Rest in Tunisia: for and against


Tunisia - A decent alternative to Egypt and Turkey. An ideal place for those who want to get all the same hotels with the "All Inclusive" system, to soak on wonderful sandy beaches, and at the same time, change their favorite directions to something new. But, despite the fact that tourism in this country has been developed for a long time, the Russians who visited their holidays relatively not much. It seems everything is for a comfortable stay, and something somehow choose other directions. It is possible that the case in a bad promotion of this place, the information comes from the way to reach the consumer, and maybe the climate is wines everything. Tunisia is Africa, and the beach season begins in the summer, the best time from June to September. Just during these months, most famous resorts, strong competitors of Tunisis open their doors for tourism. But, despite this, Tunisia still gets its percentage of vacationers who choose this country as a holiday in the summer.

Strong plus towing Tunisia is the presence of thalassotherapy. Most tourists fly here solely for her, in this country this service is carried out very qualitatively, has an already rich experience in this direction - but the cost of the procedures is not cheap.

Rest in Tunisia: for and against 5524_1

Beach in Tunisia.

Pluses of rest in Tunisia.

1. Flight to Tunisia takes only 4 hours. It is convenient, any category of tourists can safely withstand such a flight time, ranging from young children and ending with the elderly.

2. Prices for vouchers. Fly in Tunisia is not expensive, there are of course not economical options, as elsewhere. But the most important thing is that tourist with limited financial opportunities can afford rest here.

3. Wonderful beaches. A great place for swimming with children and those who love soft, fluffy sand under legs without impurities pebbles.

4. Mediterranean Sea. In itself, it is very quickly warming up, does not have cold underwater flows. Therefore, in June, you can safely swim and do not worry that the water will still be cold after the winter.

5. The presence of the type of power is "All Inclusive". Most hotels offer their guests a similar system. It is ideal for families with children, and as practice shows and not only to them.

6. Availability of entertainment for children. In Tunisia, there may be not the strongest animation entertainment program in hotels. But, children can always be launched somewhere in other places so that they were not bored. In Tunisia there are amusement parks, water parks, zoos with botanical gardens.

7. Rich excursion program. Provided that you will get bored on the beach, Tunisia will offer the choice of a rich range of excursion programs. It is a Carthage with his amphitheater, the Sahara desert from where you can bring the chic souvenir "Rose Desert", El Jam and more.

8. Diving. Few people know that Tunisia is a country where you can plunge into the underwater world, but it is the best place for a similar type of rest Place Tabarka.

9. The presence of active nightlife. Tunisia Arabic, but despite this, here is a well-developed club life for active tourists. The best and most popular places: Sousse, Pore-El Cantaui.

Cons rest in Tunisia.

1. A limited amount of time is possible for relaxing at this resort. Tunisia due to its location, can not compete for example with Egypt, the season is short enough here, begins with June and ends at the end of September. In October, the weather is no longer stable and give warranty on the warm sea and no one can.

2. Bad situation with the hotel base. In Tunisia, today there is no development in this direction. The market presents old hotels that require serious renovation, decent options with green large territories are very small.

3. Most beaches in Tunisia municipal, so anyone can come together and sunbathing, but you should not pay for deck chairs and umbrellas, it is usually necessary, hotels provide them with their guests to use for free. This rule concerns hotels 4-5 *.

4. Language barrier. Despite the fact that the Russians come to rest here for a long time, hotels personnel understand Russian speech. In conversation used English and French.

5. No as such a pronounced animation: both for adults and for children.

6. The attitude to Russian tourists is worse than to the Europeans. This situation is often found in many countries. But, in Tunisia, such complaints slip in almost every revocation.

Rest in Tunisia: for and against 5524_2

"Rosa desert" is the most popular souvenir in Tunisia among tourists.

Rest in Tunisia: for and against 5524_3

Sahara Desert.

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