Rest in Malekino


Mulene is not just a small village in the Donetsk region. This is a real resort, prices on which are not less than in the Crimea.

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It's amazing that before it was just a village in which fishermen lived. Gradually, the same fishermen began to pass the rooms, and people began to come here in search of a cleanest sea and the beach, because the city of Mariupol is located nearby, and in the city of the city, to put it mildly, not very clean. Gradually, people realized that the village was a meld-very promising resort area. And they began to build guesthouses and all sorts of entertainment complexes.

Clubs appeared here, in which the most famous DJs of the country come in the summer, foaming parties and jaged competitions are constantly satisfied. In addition, there is just an ideal place for recreation and recovery of children.

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The sea is petty on the shore and very warm, because the water quickly warms up. Beaches everywhere clean and well-groomed, water is also not contaminated. The Azov Sea is characterized by a high content of iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the body. People suffering from diseases of the joints are often coming here. After all, Crimean bench beaches, and Azov-sandy. Lying on the sand joints are very well warmed and the pains are leaving naturally. Melkino is divided into two parts. This is the first and second descent. On the first descent there are only guesthouses. There are no discos and entertainment establishments. An ideal place for a relaxing family holiday, or for people who prefer silence. On the second descent, besides pension and houses for recreation, cafes, clubs, restaurants and other places are located. This place is mainly for young people, as the evenings here is quite noisy. Plus a wide variety of attractions.

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