What is worth looking at Sicily? The most interesting places.


Sicily, is the administrative region of Italy. The total area is twenty-five thousand seven hundred eleven square kilometers. The population of Sicily, as of two thousand and thirteenth year, was 4,999,932 people. It is noteworthy that even in the first century of our era, the population of Sicily island, constituted more than two million people. And, that is what is the island, the region is the most densely populated, and on the entire planet. The attractive Sicily today is the magnificent beaches, historical, natural and architectural attractions. The most important and outstanding natural attraction of Sicily island is the acting volcano Etna. But let's go about everything in order. So - Sicily and its attractions!

Volcano Etna . Mighty and awesome. According to legends, this volcano, is the birthplace of cyclops, giants and of course, the Olympic gods. Etna volcano, well exists for five hundred thousand years. And he does not simply exist, he also acts than actually attracts tourists who are not indifferent to the receipt of acute sensations in the face of adrenaline. If we take on average, the eruption of the volcano occurs once every three months, but at the same time they do not apply global harm to the population of the island. But one time of years so for one hundred and fifty, hot lava, fun for, at least one village, but erases from the face of the earth and from the map of the area. Imagine to live like that? However, local residents do not scare this risk and they actively populate the foot of the volcano. And you know why? It's all about volcanic ash, which makes the local land super fertile. A lot of legends walk around the volcano, and one of them states that in his depths, there are languages ​​giant giants. Once, the giants lost the war to the Olympic gods, and now they are prisoners compounded with chains that are just waiting for the right moment to break out to the will and Lyuto revenge. On the very top of the volcano, God of GEFEST lives safely. Very interesting legend, quite in the spirit of these places. Legends legends, but let's talk about more modern things. Climbing the volcano, you can make with any part convenient for you and more like the way for you. So, for example, such passive tourists like me, without much efforts will rise to the top of the cable car or on the bus, as an option - take advantage of the excursion on buses - SUVs. Lovers of dynamic movement are offered a unique opportunity, climbing an ethna volcano, on foot, but only in this case, do not forget to grab a guide with me.

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Taormina . This ancient city is located between Messina and Katania. Taormina is comfortable on the coast of Sicily Island. The population of the city, relatively small and is about eleven thousand people. The history of the city, tells us that in four hundred third year before our era, the port city of Naxos was destroyed, so in its place and the Greek village of Taormina was formed with a magnificent view of the Ionian Sea. Somewhat later, namely, in three hundred and ninety-fourth year BC, the king of Dionysius the elders, the Sicula were settled here. In two hundred and ninety-year year, of course BC, the city survived the hard time of the rule of the evil Tirana and Savior Tyndarion. Probably, it is from this stupid king who began the decline of the city, but official documents indicate that in a decline, the city began to come after two hundred ten years BC, Romans surrendered. The real beauty, they will not spoil anything and the more not hiding, so it happened from Taormina. Happy times came to this city when on its beauty, wide and clean beaches, the ruins of ancient city, the Greek Theater and Roman Odeon paid attention to representatives of the European intelligentsia. Nowadays, Taormina is interesting from all sides, and as historical value and as a cultural center, because every year the theaters, music and dance festivals are held here, and events are held to award all sorts of international awards.

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Taormina City Park . The opening of the park, took place in 1923. The idea of ​​its creation, was born in the head of the British Florence Treveralyan's big lover of travel. She literally fell in love with the local places, and moreover, found her big love in this city and safely married remaining here to live here. This lady had a huge love for flowers and to all beautiful, therefore the park decorate exotic trees and plants, there are terraces decorated with mosaic, stone stairs were erected, an intricate arbors-hives are hidden in the corners. Even many years later, the park has a view well-kept and attractive. Those who love plants will find a real outstand here, because in the park there are more than two hundred plants species, followed by a large number of gardeners. Quite often, visitors are surprised in oriental-style buildings, which is alien for these places. But this is quite obvious, since the Lady Traveler did not have few places and according to some rumors, she even for several years lived in the east and the idea of ​​creating buildings in oriental style, inspired by openwork oriental pavilions.

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Cathedral Chephala . This cathedral of the eponymous diocese of the same name, he applies to the Metropolis of Palermo, that on the island of Sicily. There is a legend, according to which the cathedral was built by the first king and the founder of the Sicilian kingdom - Roger second. There is a Cathedral of Cefalu, at the foot of the cliff, which is called - rock. Legends legends, but there are also official data indicating that the construction of the cathedral began in 1131, and it ended in a century in 1267.

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The architectural style of the building almost fully complies with the Norman direction of those times. It's surprising that the cathedral for all the time of its existence, not exposed to large-scale restructures, only in the fifteenth century the lower portico was attached to the facade, but he did not spoil the appearance of the building, and on the contrary he decorated it.

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