Useful information about the rest in the fishing.


Fisherman, a small resort village located at the very shores of the sea, through it the lower route of Sudak - Alushta. The village is designed for a family relaxing holiday, here is also a camping camp, where for many years the same people staying on the coast for 1-2 months come out. The population is Russian-speaking, but on the coast you can hear the Ukrainian and Belarusian speech. With you, besides the hryvnia, the same dollars and Russian rubles can be guessed, but I advise them to change them in Simferopol at the normal course, in such small villages there is no money for the benefits of rest. There are no ATMs in the village, the nearest in Malorechensky. Housing prices are often offered in dollars, that is, you can pay for accommodation without changing the currency.

Useful information about the rest in the fishing. 5516_1

How to get

With Simferopol Railway Station, you can get by flight intercity buses or trolley buses on Simferopol-Alushta or Simferopol-Yalta. Time on the way to Alushta for about an hour. At the bus station Alushta, it is worth transferring to the route by the route Alushta Sudak. As you can see, the way to get to the place with a bunch of suitodas and with children is not the best, but there is no other option. If you are traveling with the company, then in Simferopol it is advisable to use the taxi driver's services, just for a large fee that you divide the entire company with comfort and without transfers to get to the fishing, while listening not to one interesting story from the taxi driver. We made conclusions for themselves that almost 80% of holidaymakers in the village make up people who came on personal vehicles. You can enjoy your own car on the Crimean Peninsula, through Jankan on the M-26 highway to Simferopol (93 km), then travel around the district road to the M-18 track and move it right to Alushta, through the first dangerous serpentine on the Angarsk Pass . Drivers be vigilant, you enter the mountain Crimea! At a large crossroads in the city itself (landmark - bus station on the right side) - turn to the left on the R-08 route. According to it - another 35 km before entering the fishing.

Useful information about the rest in the fishing. 5516_2

Hospital in fishing

The village is not a big and the nearest hospital is located 35 km in Alushta, if you are going to rest with the child, settle down closer to civilization so that in case of which, the ambulance has not been looking for a road for a long time. In the village of Maltorechenskoe, that 1, 5 km from the fishing there is an ambulatory hospital, but if something serious will better go to the city. The first rule, to visit such villages with underdeveloped medical infrastructure, is the presence of a full-fledged first-aid kit with everything necessary for the entire period of stay at the resort, if the poisoning is suspected, do not slow down and go to Alushta or Simferopol, intestinal diseases in the hot season are very dangerous not only for children But for adults. The second rule, on vacation in fishing - keep the child hard by hand when moving a lively track. Very often the adults themselves turning off the brain and dipped with their heads in the rest, forget to look around when moving the road, of course, the speed is limited here, but there are no exceptions to the rules in the form of a pedestrians who are not valuable. In the village there are a pair of pharmacies, but I would recommend bring all the drugs with you.

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Food in fishing

On the coast with the beginning of the tourist season, there are many ugliers, eaters and more or less decent cafes. Before ordering a kebab, make sure that you are not frying it straight at the busy track, there are plenty of such options, remember the hospitals in the village there! Be sure to wash all the fruits and vegetables, if you go to the beach, you can ask for any cafe for a couple of hryvnia to wash grapes, apples and other seasonal fruits. Refrain from shopping shrimp, fish and boiled corn running under the scorching sun on the beach, buy with you better fruits, cookies for the thickening of appetite, which is so played from the smells of kebabs of a conveying cafe. The cafe is represented as Tatar cuisine with delicious national dishes - Lagman, shuffle, manta, dolma, pilaf, sams, so European and Ukrainian cuisine. If you relax from the hostess, ask if it has an additional service for the nutrition of their guests, and in fishing and in other small villages, this part-time work is very developed. If you do not like how the hostess is preparing, you can always find a favorite cafe. Tips are always welcome, but often it is already included in the main account, as well as the services of live music and the service of the waiter, be careful, reading the bill, very often already doded holidaymakers are bred for money. Ukraine has a ban on smoking in public places, but many cafes of fishermen do not adhere to this, as well blurred from the sea. Many of this do not adhere to the beach, burning bulls to pebbles.

Housing in fishing

Accommodation in the village is offered for every taste and wallet, you can remove as budgetary and very expensive (for such money you can rest safely on the southern coast), but you can see the demand for such a housing. When choosing housing, you specify what you would like more if rest, then take the room better in the depths of the village, if the drive nightlife is closer to the sea. Every year more and more are built mini household hotels, with a guarded parking, dining room and other benefits.

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Entertainment in fishing

There are many interesting sightseeing programs in the village of Vacationers, hiking in the mountains, marine fishing, diving, flying on Deltaplane. On the beach you can ride on a banana, tablet, catamaran. For karaoke lovers, it is here at every step, in the evening you can spend a good time in one of the nightclubs, just do not expect that the service in them will be like in Alushta.

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Beaches in fishermen

In season, the beach is filled with resting, the main contingent is families with children. If you want a calmer and little rest, it is worth passing from the central beach on meters 800. As noted, the beaches are practically not cleaned, dirty, but the tourists themselves do nothing to maintain their purity. Sea of ​​course in fishing wonderful, clean and warm. But there is one weighty minus, a small mountain river flows in the village flowing into the sea, it blooms in the spring, and by the summer almost lifeless, only a small crossover flows into the sea in the middle of the beach. But it is necessary to get rain, as a powerful stream fell into the village, eats all the dirt into the sea. Then you need at least a week, so that everything is cleared, and the water has gained transparent color.

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