What is worth looking in Syracuse? The most interesting places.


Syracuses full of very interesting ancient buildings, cathedrals and temples. It just can't believe that some of them are dated to our era for years. Here are some places where it is necessary to go if you arrived in Syracuse.

Archaeological zone Siracuse

As it is clear from the name, this is not some specific cathedral or temple, but a complex of old subjects, which are still in the process of studying by specialists and archaeologists, and which contains a variety of elements of the culture of an ancient city. First, it is the famous Ear Dionysius.

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"Ear" is a high crevice in a rock, known for its powerful acoustics. There is a legend: the Sicilian warlord and tyrant of the city of Syracuse Dionysius brought and left the slaves in this "ear", and at the entrance to the cave put the guardians who were tested to overhear what slaves are interpreted among themselves, and all the information "merge" to the ruler. Even if the slaves were pulled out, the guards still caught the peresya - even a quiet sound, said at one end of the cave, can be heard in her other of her end, so it was not difficult to "warm her ears".

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This legend was invented by Caravaggio, and with his light hand the cave was called this way. Although someone assures that the name has gone just-going because of the similarity with the usual ear, the truth is not human, but an lar or horsepower. Anyway, any concert hall will envy such a chic acoustics, which cave has, and tourists who find themselves in it are immediately accepted to check their vote, which is always quite funny.

Also close to the "ear" is Greek Theater. , the construction of which is dated the beginning of the 5th century BC. e.

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The theater consists of 67 rows in a rock and can accommodate about 15,000 spectators. Thus, it is one of the largest theaters in the world. Oddly enough, the theater was preserved almost in a priority form, so that, to this day, various cultural events, shows and concerts are held.

Let's go a little more and see a real Roman amphitheater. In the form of an ellipse, the size of 190x119 meters.

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What is worth looking in Syracuse? The most interesting places. 55142_5

So, very interesting place!

Address: in Northeast Syracuse, near the crossroads of Via Luigi Spagna and Viale Tica, and not far from the Largo Leonardo Da Vinci Park (numerous pointers lead from the city center)

Castello Maniace (Castello Maniace)

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Syracuse and the property of all Italy is a very important landmark. This castle (it is also simply called the castle of Maniach) was built here in 1240 and named after the Byzantine commander of the XI century Georgy Maniaca, who dismissed for Byzantium Sicily in 1038-1040, and which built the first fortifications in this place after taking the city.

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This warrior, I must say, revealed a lot of things for my life, and I remember everyone as a kidnapper of the relics of St. Lucia - Patron Syracuse. About this later.

So, Castello-Maniach castle had an important military role, because he was built as a fortress and closed the entrance to the city harbor, reliably defending Syracuse. The lock is open for visiting. Castello consists of a massive gate, towers and a spiral staircase. Walls are made from limestone blocks up to 50 meters.

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From above you can see the observation points. There are also underground rooms - and they used food, ammunition and medicines as warehouses. The shelling of opponents was conducted through small holes in the walls, and it was possible to go to the fortress only on the lifting bridge (which at the moment does not function).

From 12 to 14th century, the castle was exclusively a residence of Sicilian royal families, in the 15th century in Castello, prisoners wounded, at the beginning of the 16th century, the castle was used as a storage of firearms and housing for the Italian military. Today, this is a favorite tourist attraction, which daily collects the crowd of lovers of history.

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Returning to Maniaiac. When he penetrated into the Syracuse, performed perfectly terrible, stole the power of the Martyr Lucia (Luce Syracuse) from the Syracuse catacombs), the patroness of the blind, and sent them to Constantinople. The trail of the destroyed wall can be seen to this day in Chapel Del Sepolkro di Santa Lucia.

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But the devastated place was not less worship. Also named this commander is called Cathedral of Santa Maria Maniach (Monastero Santa Maria di Maniace) -Monastron about Bronte (near Volcano Etna). The cathedral was built in the 16th century on the site of one of the victories of Maniak over the Arabs. Small, non-fried, but inside beautifully decorated on the means of the royal family, today the monastery contains a museum.

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Address: Castello Maniache - Via Del Castello Maniace, Oritigia Island

NOTO (noto)

What is worth looking in Syracuse? The most interesting places. 55142_12

Just 30 km from the city of Siracusa is a very interesting little utoto commune. With a population of only 23 thousand people, noto attracts hundreds of tourists. And all because nothing is the center of the Sicilian Baroque, and some of the facilities of the city are included in the UNESCO lists. About this city, few people have heard, most likely. But, if you find yourself in Syracuses, be sure to move to Noto. You can also hear how noto is called the "golden city" - this is because after the earthquake in 1693, all buildings were thoroughly destroyed and spoiled, and local residents began to build all over again, and, from special limestone rocks of a special yellowish-golden color, Which especially shines on sunny days.

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Interestingly, the city consists of two tiers. The lower tier is a meeting of all major attractions: Palaces, City Hall, Cathedrals.

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On the upper tier you can find only the church of the crucifixion. And the top floor is a real living sunny fragrant Sicilian life in all its paints. Moreover, the city simply "hugs" the beautiful forests and gardens, festivals and holidays are often held here. Especially beautiful here in February, when the almond begins to bloom. Also, this is a favorite place to shoot Italian directors. If anyone watched the film "Adventure" Michelangelo Antonioni, winner of the Cannes Film Festival of 1960, then know that he was filmed in Noto.

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Ortigia (Ortigia)

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What is worth looking in Syracuse? The most interesting places. 55142_17

Either Orthigia or Orthigia, who is more convenient. This is an island of 0.5 square kilometers in the bay next to the Syracuses. Ringing is connected to the syrakuses in three bridges (50 meters each). In ancient times, the island was an essential fortified fortress of Syracuse. Complete rulers of the city often ran here.

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The history of the island has more than 2500 years! On the island you can visit and see various historical structures - Greek and Roman ruins, medieval buildings and baroque buildings of 16-18 centuries. Well, for complete happiness, several cozy cafes and bistros, where you can translate the spirit and drink a cup of coffee.

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