Where to go to Seville and what to see?


Seville is a major tourist center, located in the south of Spain, in the province of Andalusia. Her story has several millennia, in the second century before our era, the city was founded in her place, the former Roman colony was founded. In the Middle Ages, Seville was conquered by Arabs, and in 1248 he again passed under the power of the Spaniards. Monuments from different eras remained in this city - these are traces of the dominion of Arabs, and medieval buildings, and more modern architecture. What can I see in Seville?

Old city

The oldest part of Seville is in its center and is called Casco Antiguo. It is a labyrinth of narrow streets, which are framed by old houses. There is both houses built in Arabic style and traditional Spanish buildings.

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Seville Cathedral

This cathedral is the largest Gothic Cathedral on the territory of all of Europe. It was built in the 15-16th centuries on the site of the mosque. Its length is 116 meters, and the width is 76. The clutches of Surbaran, Velasquez, Goya and Murillo are stored in the cathedral itself. The Cathedral complex also includes the Hiralda Tower, which is the symbol of Seville. It consists of several parts - its most ancient or Moorish part is 70 meters, and the rest of the tower is completed from the brick. At the top of the tower there is an observation deck with which you can admire the panorama of the entire city. You can get to the church from 11 to 15:30 on Mondays, from 11 to 17 from Tuesday to Saturday and from 14:30 to 18 on Sundays. Adult ticket will cost 8 euros (including visiting the tower).

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This is a palace located in Seville, which began to build Maurians, and the Spaniards have completed. It is one of the most significant monuments of the architectural style Mudjar (for this style it is characterized by a close interlacing feature of the Moorish, Gothic and Renaissance style). In the Middle Ages, Alcazar was the residence of the Spanish kings. It can be admired by the Arabic rivy, tiles, stucco, as well as internal gardens.

From October to May, the Complex is open to visit from 9:30 to 17:00, and from April to September from 9:30 to 19:00. The entrance ticket for adult visitors will cost you in 9 and a half euros, for pensioners and students aged 17 to 25, it will cost 2 euros (at the same time a student or passport will be presented at the checkout). Also Alcazar can be visited absolutely free - on Mondays from 18 to 19 hours from April to September and from 16 to 17 hours from October to March.

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Golden Tower

It is also one of the characters of Seville. The tower is on the banks of the Guadalkivir River, it was a protective structure erected by Arabs. Previously, it was not a separate tower, and part of the fortress wall, the wall itself, unfortunately, was not preserved. Why the tower was called Golden exactly unknown, however there are several versions of the origin of such a name - on the first of them, gold bars were kept in the tower, which brought the Spanish conquerors, on the second tower was lined with white clay, which glistened in the sun. At the moment in the tower is the Naval Museum. Her address is Paseo Del Colon, and it works from Tuesday to Friday from 10 to 14 hours and from 11 to 14 hours on Sundays.

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Archaeological Museum

This museum is one of the most significant museums of archeology in all Spain - in the collection of the museum there are exhibits from different eras - the most ancient items belong to the Epoch of Paleolithic, there are also exhibitions dedicated to the period of the Roman Empire, the early Christian era, the period of the domination of Arabs, as well as Middle Ages . The museum presents ceramics, household items, jewelry, mosaic, weapons, paintings and much more. The museum is located in Mary Louise Park.

From June 1 to September 15, the museum is open to visiting from Tuesday to Saturday from 9 to 15:30, and on Sundays from 10 to 17 hours. From September 16 to May 31, the museum is open from 10 to 20:30 from Tuesday to Saturday and from 10 to 17 hours on Sundays. On Mondays, the museum is closed for visiting. The entrance ticket is one and a half euros, for the citizens of the European Union, the entrance is free.

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Museum of Fine Arts

This museum is one of the outstanding collections of Spanish painting. In it, 14 rooms in which Mourillo, Velasquez, Surbaran canvas are located, as well as Lucas Kranah senior and El Greco. There are both the Middle Ages of the Middle Ages, and the painting belonging to the period of revival, besides, there are 18th century cloths. The latest works belong to the first half of the 20th century. The museum is located on the Museum Square (Plaza del Museo, 9). You can visit it on Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 17 hours (in the so-called high season, that is, from June 16 to September 15), and from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 20:30 and from 10 to 17 to Sundays ( from September 16 to June 15). On Mondays the museum is closed. The entrance ticket will cost you only one and a half euros.

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Museum Flamenco

It is in Seville that the museum dedicated to all the well-known Spanish dance Flamenco is located in Seville. There you can learn about the history of the occurrence of this dance, as well as its development - as it was modified for centuries, what changes occurred in its execution. In addition, modern exhibitions are held at the museum, and sometimes the master skills are held with the participation of Flamenco world stars. The building has a Flamenco School for everyone, a guitar game studio, vocal and percussion courses. The museum is open to visitors from 10 to 19 hours, it works without days off. The entrance ticket costs 10 euros for adults, 8 euros for pensioners and students and 6 euros for children. Every day, Flamenco shows the museum, it starts at around 19 hours and lasts about an hour. You can purchase tickets for it when visiting the museum, they will cost you 20 euros for adults, 14 euros for students and pensioners and 12 euros for children. You can also buy a shared ticket for a visit to the museum (but it will be possible to do only to the show) and the show - 24 euros for adults, 18 for students and pensioners and 15 for children.

The Flamenco Museum is located in the city center at Calle de Manuel Rojos Marcos, 3, literally two steps from the Seville Cathedral.

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