What excursions should be visited in Limassol?


Limassol is deserved to be one of the most unique cities of Cyprus Island. The peculiarity of this wonderful place is that in Limassol, the past and real - near the old attractions, like mushrooms, are growing harmoniously, and trendy buildings are growing; Residents respectfully relate to history and tirelessly continue to develop infrastructure taking into account the latest trends. This city has all the conditions for life, both a tourist and a citizen of the country. In Limassol, a stormy business life is boiling - each solid company considers prestigious to open his representative office here. Accordingly, the services here are provided at a high level.

Tourist business is very developed, so many travelers prefer to stop in Limassol. Pleasant climatic conditions, magnificent service, convenience of location and availability of all necessary goods make this city a real paradise for lovers of a comfortable life. That is why many tourists who once arrived here on holidays fall in love with this city and make a decision to stay here forever.

I hope this short preface has already gone in your thoughts the desire to at least once visit this magic Cyprus corner. In order to be fully armed during your cruise, I will try to talk about the most interesting sightseeing routes.

1. The temple of Apollo Gilatis

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Lighting the main excursions of Cyprus, I already mentioned the ancient city of Kurion, which is twenty kilometers from Limasolla. So, overcoming three more kilometers, you can see the temple that was built in honor of Apollo Gilatis. On this territory, myths come to life, and all that once was read about the God of Forests, acquires a new content. The architecture of this place is quite well preserved, especially if taken into account the revered age of these columns. There is also an opportunity to look at the palists that were built for gymnastics. It will be interesting to tourists who love silence and immersion in history. Children will be engaged in playing mythical heroes, run in vast territory. It must be borne in mind that this is an open area, so it will not be easy for a long time in hot time.

Mode of operation: summer 8.00 - 19.30;

April, May, September, October 8.00 - 18.00;

November - March 8.00 - 17.00

The cost of the entrance ticket: 1, 7 euros.

2. Castle Colossia

The initial version of the castle was significantly different from the current building. King Cyprus Gogo I built a fortress in 1210, but two hundred years later, she was expected to be global restructuring. The owners of the castle were the knights of the Order of St. John, who trained their combat skills here, grown sugar cane and engaged in the production of wine. The room consists of three floors: the first one played the role of the pantry, which stretched into three rooms. It is here that water storage tanks are preserved. On the second floor there was a kitchen and a large room. On the third floor leads a spiral staircase, which consists of their seventy steps and produces an interesting impression during the lifting. On this floor there were relatives of the commander and living room in which the trapes of the knights. A spiral staircase further leads to a roof, from the height of which offers a magnificent view of the surroundings.

Mode of operation: summer 8.00 - 19.30;

April, May, September, October 8.00 - 18.00;

November - March 8.00 - 17.00

The cost of the entrance ticket: 4, 5 euros.

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3. Museum of Cyprus Wine

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A bright tourist point on the map of the entire island, which entails thousands of tourists. There is a museum within a walking distance from Limassol, in the village of Yeri. The idea of ​​the foundation belongs to Cypriot Anastasia Guy, which is a composer known on the island. Anastasia has long dreamed of creating a similar project, since the history of winemaking on the island leaves its roots in deep antiquity. The museum contains a magnificent selection of material that introduces tourists with all the nuances of wine making, starting from 3500 BC. e. Here you can see the guns, jugs, vases, vessels that were intended for the manufacture, storage and sale of wine. There is also a rich selection of documents, photographs, audio and video materials on the production of an ancient drink. Everyone can watch a film, which shows the process of production of wine from the moment of planting seeds to a spill of the finished drink in the bottle. It is worth noting that the film is available for viewing people of different nationalities, because there is not a single word in it, all stages are shown for melodious musical accompaniment. The price of the entrance ticket to enter the tasting of the brake wine gland.

Mode of operation: 9.00 - 17.00

The cost of the entrance ticket: 5 euros, for children under 12 years old - free.

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4. Municipal Museum of Folk Art

In every big city of Cyprus there is a museum who introduces tourists with the ski of the life of Cypriots over the centuries. Limassol in this regard did not exception, which speaks of the great respect for the population of the island to its history. There is a museum on St. Andreas Street in the nineteenth-century building, which was specifically renovated to create exposures. In the museum, six rooms in which a variety of assortment of national objects is assembled - jewelry, artisan products of various times, work tools, household utensils, traditional Cypriot clothes. Each visitor will be able to find out the traditions of the local population and learn for themselves new useful information.

Opening hours: June - September Mon, W, Thu, Fri 8.30 - 13.00; 15.00 - 17.30;

Wed 8.30 - 13.00

October, May Mon, W, Thu, Fri 8.30 - 13.00; 16.00 - 18.00;

Wed 8.30 - 13.00

The cost of the entrance ticket: 1.71 euros.

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Also in Limassol, many vintage churches and monasteries, which I will tell you in more detail in the topic "What to see in Limassol". Excursions can be ordered in hotels in order to avoid various confusion, and you can go on the road and independently. It is clear that the first option will cost more. The right to solve this issue remains for the tourist. You should not be afraid to get lost - Cypriots are always happy to help find the right object.

I wish you a pleasant stay and colorful impressions in Limassol!

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