What should I look in Brussels?


Despite the global post-war reconstruction, in the capital of Belgium, there is still something to see the visiting tourist. Consider such urban attractions as the Royal Palace and Atomium.

Royal Palace

The Royal Palace is located on the territory of the small elevation of the Brussels Park. Because of the strategic advantages over the centuries, this area was attractive for members of the ruling families. Already at the end of the eleventh century, Castle Caudenberg was located here - the Duke of Brabantsky lived in it for several centuries, before the fire of 1731. The first modern Royal Palace was founded in the eighteenth century at the Board of Wilhelm first.

After a century, a revolution occurred in Belgium, Leopold Saxen - Coburg became the first of the rulers of the new country. But significant changes in the interior of the construction had the beginning only during the rule of his heir - Leopold, who preferred more elegant conditions for life. The Palace Square has doubled, in many more rags updated the inner finish, they gave her greater pomp and splendor. The modern facade, the posant of the tourist, today, appeared in the Royal Palace in 1904.

What should I look in Brussels? 5501_1

Nowadays, the royal residence is located in the Lacken Palace, the royal meets formal meetings. Now anyone has the ability to free access to the inner chambers and the gallery of the palace. Nowadays, any tourist can see a mirror room having a ceiling with decoration from the wings of Zhukov - Skarabews, as well as in the imperial, in which there are excellent golden pots with eleven flowers - each of them personifies one of the Belgian provinces. The most gorgeous and magnificent room is a throne room. His initially created as a room where secular balls were held - in the execution of the order of Leopold second. How gorgeously decorated with a lounge, magnificence chandelier of crystal, dimensions of the room in width and height - all this makes it possible to understand the influence of pompous and luxurious French classic architects on the King of Belgium Leopold Second.

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In one of the buildings that belong to the palace is located the Bellevue Museum. In former times, he was a hotel under the same name. There were many famous personalities here. Nowadays, the Belgian Historical Museum is here - it is possible to see artifacts and archives, which are related to the emergence and development of the Belgian nation - from 1830 to this day.

The Royal Palace works in July - September, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 17:00.

The Bellevue Museum works from Tuesday to Friday, from 10:00 to 17:00, on weekends - from 10:00 to 18:00.

As for the value of the visit, the admission is free to the Royal Palace, and for visiting the Bellevue Museum there is a fee: with adults - five euros, from pensioners and groups from 15 people - four euros from one, students pay three euros. For children and adolescents until eighteen years old - the entrance is free.


The industrial twentieth century will remain in the memory of generations as the time of comprehension of the atom and the use of its hidden strength for various purposes. One of the symbols of the capital of Belgium is a monument that symbolizes the endless prospects of the peaceful use of energy hidden in the atom. It is called atomium.

To see this miracle of architecture, it is necessary to sit on the tram number 81, which is sent from the central part of the city, bypassing the secretary of the Good, however, a very monotonous type of buildings, which are characteristic of today's Europe, and go away - at the Hayesel end station. Here you will see this breathtaking structure, which is rightfully considered one of the metropolitan attractions.

The monument sparkling in the sun is an increased one hundred and sixty-five billion times the model of iron molecule. He was designed by Andre Waterkein. In essence, the atomium is a huge, having a hundred two meters in height, a very difficult design that includes nine areas that have each eighteen meters in diameter, as well as connecting them twenty pipes. In six spheres you can visit the pipes are equipped with escalators and connecting corridors, the high-speed elevator is located in the central, which is one of the fastest in Europe.

This elevator for some twenty seconds can deliver you to a restaurant or a surveillance site located in a bowl that is above all the others.

From here, a wonderful view of the capital of Belgium, its palaces, cathedrals, straight buildings in a modern architectural style and curves of the streets, preserved in the historic part of Brussels. Nowadays, few can remember that the construction of an atomum also had a political footing in the opposition of two systems. However, this does not interfere with tourists to enjoy the city scenery opening from a bird's eye view. From this place is excellent visible park "Europe in miniature", located near. It can help save you an extra fifteen euros and avoid a negative impression of some schematics located there layouts.

In one sphere, which seems to be composed of cells of different colors, there is a small hotel - here you can spend the night, admiring views of the night city. Such a pastime will probably be most interesting for those who came here with children - after all, they are interested in such non-standard things.

In atomium there is a small cafe - here tourists have the opportunity to eat, interrupting the inspection of this very large-scale construction. In the other fields that have access to tourists, there are exhibitions.

Atomum walker will not hit the tourist's wallet - children under six years old is free, from six to eleven - two euros, from twelve to eighteen - six euros, students and retirees - six, the rest will have to pay only nine euros.

What should I look in Brussels? 5501_3

Atrium is open to visitors from 10:00 to 18:00, December 24 and 31 - from 10:00 to 16:00, December 25 and January 1 - from 12:00 to 16:00. Near this urban attractions is the Heizel Metro Station.

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