What is worth viewing in Reggio di Calabria? The most interesting places.


The colorful Reggio di Calabria is located on the southernmost point of the Italian coast, on the shores of the Messinsky Gulf, the city is considered to be the resort capital of the entire Calabria region. Reggio di Calabria can boast a very long and bright history, full warrior, conquests and diversion. Many come here only to go on a ferry to Sicily and do not pay attention to the fact that in Reggio di Calabria itself, there are also a lot of historical and interesting places. Historians believe that the city, more precisely, the port was built in approximately the 7th century BC of Halkida Greeks. For a long time, the Greeks ruled by local lands, since they were the full owners of neighboring Sicily, which only the Messinsky bay is separated from Calabria. All this left a very strong imprint on the architectural appearance of the city, but in 1908 there was a serious Messinous earthquake, which destroyed most of the architectural attractions. After that, the city was already restored as a modern city, because many buildings were lost forever. To date, only a small proline attractions have been preserved, but also abundantly, to fall in love with Reggio di Calabria.

Probably the very first and most bright attraction seeing tourists this embankment of Matteotti, it starts from the train station and stretches at the port. Along the promenade, various exotic trees grow, and gorgeous villas, mansions and simply palaces of local rich inhabitants are hidden behind them. If the weather is clear, then from the embankment you can see the shores of Sicily and the ethna volcano.

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There, near the railway station, the wonderful Lungomare beach begins, which stretches along the embankment to the port. In sunny weather, this is literally the paradise of the earth.

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But this is not all, with the embankment you can see the remnants of the walls of Roman and Greek buildings, which of course want to consider closer.

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So unusually walk among these residues of buildings that were built thousands of years ago.

And if suddenly you have rollers with both of them :) (Well, yes, it is probably for quite crazy tourists), then ride here just one pleasure!

One of the largest and most important attractions can be considered the Cathedral - Mary Santissima Assunta in Cielo. The size of the building is approximately 92 meters long, 22 meters wide and almost as much in height. The original building of the cathedral was built in 1061, after 5 centuries, he was decided to restore in the Baroque style, only the earthquake of 1908 did not spare anyone, so that the cathedral and his beauty were lost, by 1928 the cathedral was renovated and a basilica status asked him through the attachments.

In the city there are 2 more simply incredibly beautiful churches - the church of Santa Maria Annutsiat or Ottomata and the Church of Della Graziell. The first, was built approximately in the 10th century and the style of the building is called Byzantine-Arabic, the building is simply a magnificent mosaic floor. The second church is built in the style of Calabrian Baroque. The church is named in the gratitude of the Virgin Mary for the intercession and fence of residents of the city from adversity. The church was also injured from the earthquake, the reconstruction was completed in 2000.

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Another religious attraction of the city is the sanctuary of Maria-Santissima della-Consolant, another name - Euro. Here is the image of Madonna, which protects the city.

Next major attractions of the city is aragon castle. Historians believe that the main wall of the castle was erected in the 8th century to our era. In the Norman period, by 1030 the castle was already completely ready. Over the past centuries, the castle was removed and strengthened, so that no enemy could take the fortress. The building on so much reliable that even the messinic earthquake could not completely destroy the fortress, but she still suffered.

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Presented in the castle earlier, and now it is closed on the restoration.

The city also has a chic cereal villa of the 15th century built in the Vienician style.

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NEA colorful building, which just amazes imagination. Near the villa is very fancy sculpture full of modern style.

There are still a couple of places in which it is worth looking in any time (although there are no such tourists) the Museum of Great Greece and the Francesco Chile Theater. In the Museum of Great Greece, it is necessary to see the figurines of the ancient warriors, mirrors, clay plates and still very many interesting artifacts that belong to the ancient Greek period.

And one more place that is impossible to bypass the side of the city's central street - Corso Garibaldi. As in any, the city of Central Street is the busiest and eternally noisy place. It is here that the main number of stores, cafes, restaurants and souvenir benches are concentrated.

And the most mysterious phenomenon and probably the attraction, which is not able to see not everyone, is the Mirage in the Messinsky Gulf. The most interesting thing is that it is seen only from the shore of Reggio di Calabria. Lucky can see the city with palm trees, houses and streets, soaring over the water. Scientists explain this phenomenon of Fata Morgana in the way that air flows of different temperature and density are formed in the layers of the atmosphere, they are just creating a mirror effect, reflecting the city of Reggio di Calabria. The phenomenon appears only during the warm months of the year.

But, unfortunately, as always, everything is not enough time (and many luck, to see the mirage). In the summer in Reggio di Calabria and on the beach, I want to lie down and see the city and something new to know and something delicious try! And then I want to go to Sicily to see another part of ancient Greece.

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