What currency is better to take with me in Pomorie?


Going to any resort, whether it is an individual trip or a purchased tour, you will need finances on various expenses, and Pomorie is no exception. Bulgaria Although it is a member of the European Union, so far that uses its own currency - Bulgarian lion. An ideal option would have exactly the left.

What currency is better to take with me in Pomorie? 5491_1

Of course, at home you are unlikely to find such currency, so the euro is best to take with me. First, the euro can be exchanged in any currency office of Bulgaria, and in the second, where, if necessary, you can pay them. If you are going to relax on your personal transport, then some currency can be exchanged at the border point at the entrance to Bulgaria. I speak a little, because the coupling rate at the entrance to the country is usually not quite profitable. First of all, you will need money to pay road taxes, which is bought at the entrance to Bulgaria and the absence of which can entail a rather major fine, and in the second you will need to be fueling, and it is possible to pay for most of the fasteners only by the national currency. In principle, if there is a bank card, you can pay it at the gas stations. In case of arrival by plane, you can exchange money at Burgas airport. But again, you should not change much due to the low course.

What currency is better to take with me in Pomorie? 5491_2

At the resort itself, Pomorie, there are two branches of the bank, which produce currency exchange, and also have ATMs with which you can withdraw cash from your card account. They are located in the old town, one Rifaysenbank Bulgaria, ul. Prof. Stoyanov, 40 and another

Alianz Bank Bulgaria is at the intersection of Prince Boris I and the King Asen.

What currency is better to take with me in Pomorie? 5491_3

Both items take to exchange euros, US dollars, Swiss francs and English pounds-sterling. Schedule of banks from 9.00 to 17.00. As for Russian rubles, it is possible to change them only in Burgas, which is closest to Pomoring and where large banks are located, whose currency list is much larger.

What currency is better to take with me in Pomorie? 5491_4

If you are in Burgas on excursions, you can compare the exchange rate in different banks and change where there will be a more profitable course. But do not forget that the favorable course does not always end up as follows and from the amount of exchange can be deducted by some cash registers. The commission may be written on the scoreboard with inconspicuous and small font, so find out from the cashier about it before not to lose your money on it.

I will not say that everywhere, but you can calculate both the plastic bank card, MasterCard, Maestro, American Express, Dinners Club and Visa. For minor purchases, such as souvenirs, various fruits or elementary drinks in the beer bar, you will still need cash, so you need to have a national Bulgarian currency in your pocket.

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