When is it better to rest in Pomorie?


A small, but rather popular resort Pomorie, which is located between Burgas and Nessebrus, spread out at once on the two shores, the Black Sea and Pomori Lake. Its popularity is that here you can combine beach holidays with mud. Therapeutic mud is rich in Pomoriy Lake, so most hotels, especially those located closer to the lake, have their own mud. The season in Pomorie, in principle, as at the other resorts of the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, begins at the end of May, when the air temperature allows you to pick up, although the sea is still cold enough. But this can be compensated for by the Pomori lake, whose water is much warmer and where you can independently take a mud bath.

When is it better to rest in Pomorie? 5481_1

But the beginning of the season has its advantages. Firstly, this is the price of the aid, but in the case of an independent travel, the price of accommodation, which at this time is lower than in the height of the summer. And secondly, it is relative calm, both in hotels and on the beach as a result of the fact that the number of tourists is still small.

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The main influx of tourists falls on July and August months. In Bulgaria, the climate is moderate, so it is quite comfortable to relax in these months, although the air temperature is quite high, but in conditions of high humidity it is not very felt. Moreover, Pomorie is located on the Peninsula protruding in the sea and the water is practically washes the village from all sides, in front and from the sides of the sea, and behind the lake.

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By August, the sea was heated as much as possible and the temperature of the water comes to +26 degrees. This time is well suited for a family holiday with children, but when choosing a hotel, it is worth considering the feature of this resort that the western part of the peninsula is very uncomfortable for a beach holiday and especially with children will be very problematic there to rest. In principle, Pomorie choose more because of the mud, most of the tourists are of course people older people, so if you are not satisfied with the calm and quiet rest, of course it is better to choose from other, more youth options.

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September, in my opinion, is best suited for recreation in Pomorie. First of all, prices are already starting to decline slightly, and the lack of school-age children, whose time the classes begin, makes the resort even calmer and quiet. More free space on the beach, and in the case of an individual journey, the choice of accommodation accommodation increases significantly. September is considered the most stable month in terms of weather and rain this month almost does not happen.

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By the beginning of October, the season practically ends, although it is still warm enough, but evenings are cool and the temperature of the sea also begins to rapidly descend.

In short, the features of the season in the resort Pomorie, and the choice is already yours, based on the wishes and opportunities.

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