Jaisalmer is the Golden City of India. Is it worth going and how to get there?


Jaisalmer is an amazing city with a sad story. Fort city in the midst of the desert Tar 100 km from the border with Pakistan, Indian Avangapost. Jaisalmer was founded in 1156. In the Thirteenth Century, after the twelve-year-old siege, Muslims, the city fell, and the inhabitants committed mass suicide (just with it, as twice two). In the 16th century, Raja Jaisalmer married one of the daughters of Emperor Akbar and after that the long-awaited world came. The city was flourished in the center of trade routes (the Great Silk Road). But the strengthening of the position of Bombay as a shopping sea port, filled tax problems and hard government reforms, and to top item - the formation of Pakistan and the emergence of the Indian-Pakistani border, cut the caravanways, plunged the city in full decline. Now Jaisalmer lives, basically, at the expense of tourism and has some income as an advanced military facility. The city really looks gold. All houses are traditionally built from yellow / gold sandstone (but no longer the Jurassic period, as almost all buildings in Forte) and many of them are decorated with a unique thread, performed by the time of the ages of the Brigade of Mason, the settlement of which is in the same desert: the secrets of crawl skills are transmitted from Generations to generation, and the distortion ancestors of the living masters in their time built and decorated with carvings all the forts. 70% of the Population of Jaisalmer make up Brahmins - representatives of the highest caste. I was originally configured in the best way, because the feedback about this place is contrary to each other. My alertness and all my doubts were dispelled within one and a half hours after arrival.

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Jaisalmer did not just like it, he forced himself to love: Perhaps this is the first city on our path in which something is being done, something is built and cleaned. We even found a public toilet on the street! No, no, do not think only that there is cleanliness everywhere. No, dirty, as it should be, it looks like all cities in India. People also live on the street, also harness fires, also walk throughout the cows, pigs and dogs. But animals do not look like dirty, ticks and repulsive. On one pretty such cow, we noticed improvised crawlers: she was tied with sneakers on her neck - almost that the bell was not lost, just not rings. Many of the idle bourgeois are labeled in the hip. Do not stand on the streets unbearable stench, as elsewhere. Heat, even hot, the sun shines brightly. The city is really beautiful. Here you will not be bored: there is something to see where to walk, meet the sunset on the lake, arrange races on camels, pour in the desert after sunset, listen to the local folklore and taste local dishes.

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We went to Jaisalmer from Jaipur. I did not hide the mandrathed. Firstly, the train night, secondly, passing, thirdly, is not always a meal to calculate a person speaking in English, if you suddenly need to clarify anything, and the train parking time is limited. Then I have not yet suspected that there is both fourth, and fifth, which is much more serious than first, secondly and third. The fact of the night train was scared by the fact that it is not known with whom you will find behind the curtain, this is a roulette, and I have two backpacks, my daughter, too, with two backpacks and a desire to sleep a little, because before Jaisalmer 12 hours. Well, here we were lucky: the French were with us, our backpacks were immediately tightly fastened by cycling locks, underwear "washed", our with Babe the upper shelves were not busy with blank flawless, sleeping in the train was quite possible, although not convenient, nervously Therefore, the dream was quite superficial, and moreover, we had to rest for a long time - in the morning, the hours of Edak with 7, the pedigrees of food were not only wokedown, and completely carried the brain with their vegetarian cutlets and hot tea. So according to this item, it was not particularly steaming. Jaisalmer's trip was even calmer, the train went from the final station. The final composition is applied in advance, about an hour. So you will have enough time to find out the train number where it goes and find your car. For example, our trains had numbers only on some cars, but on each car a list of passengers, in which you can find our places (the pray for God, to book and buy tickets, your surnames are spelled out correctly - we are in those The most lists appeared as Elena G and Eksina G). Surprises were not expected: the train was day.

What is the most striking, we spent in Jaisalmera for almost a week, but no one asked for our documents.

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