Where to go to Valencia and what to see?


Valencia is a fairly large city, which was founded even to our era. He has a rich history, so monuments from different eras are preserved in it. In Valencia, you can admire both ancient monuments, old churches and museums, and see more modern museums. However, let's start in order.


It is located in the historic center of the city and is the main cathedral of the city, as well as the entire autonomous region. Previously, there was an ancient Roman temple at this place, then the Westgoth Church and the Mosque. The cathedral was rebuilt several times and completed, so it cannot be attributed to some particular architectural style - he is their mixing. It offers traits of Romanesque art, Gothic, Baroque, as well as Renaissance and Classicism. The Cathedral stores the Holy Grail (according to legend it is a genuine bowl that Jesus Christ used at the secret evening). In addition, inside can admire the frescoes, tombstones, as well as on the magnificent altar. With the end of March, at the end of October, it is possible to get from Monday to Saturday from 10 to 18:30 (the cash registers are closed an hour earlier). On Sunday, you can get from 14:00 to 18:30. In winter (that is, from November to the end of March), the cathedral is open to visitors from 10 to 17:30 on weekdays and from 10 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 17:30 on Sundays. The entrance ticket is 4 euros for adult visitors and 3 euros for preferential categories of citizens. You can also take advantage of the audiogide, but unfortunately, it is not in Russian - it is provided in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Japanese.

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Museum of Fine Arts

It is located in an old building, which was renovated not so long ago. The museum is famous for its painting collection, the most famous webbeds there belong to Goya Brushes, Murillo, Velasquez and El Greek. The museum is open to visit from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 19 hours and on Mondays from 11 to 17 hours. The entrance is free. The Museum of Fine Arts is located on San Pio Street, 9. You can get to it on a subway or bus. The nearest Metro Station is Pont De Fusta. Near the museum stops buses 1, 6, 11, 16, 26, 28, 29, 36, 79 and 95.

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National Museum of Ceramics

It is located in the center of the city and has a luxurious collection of ceramics, which includes both exhibits related to the era to our era and representing a modern style. The museum also describes how ceramics are produced. It is located on Poeta Querol, you can get to it both on the subway (Colon station) and bus (routes number 31, 70, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 27, 70 and 71)

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Museum of History of Valencia

As you already understood from the name, this museum will tell you about the history of this wonderful city. Since Valencia was founded even to our era, her story has several millennia. In the museum you can blame the history of Valencia during its development. The highlight of the museum is interactive exhibitions, thanks to which you can plunge into the era of the long-stayed days. The museum is open to visitors from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 am to 19 pm (from October to March from 10 to 18), and on Sundays from 10 to 15. On Mondays, the museum is closed. The entrance ticket will cost you just two euros.

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Ethnological Museum

The Ethnological Museum of Valencia has absorbed a whole collection of exhibits that include art objects found on the territory of the autonomous community of Valencia. Considering them, you can plunge into the history of this region and get acquainted with the culture, life and customs of the peoples living in this territory. You can visit the Ethnological Museum from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm. On Mondays, the museum is closed for visiting.

The museum is located at Calle Corona, 36. You can get to it on the subway (TURIA station), on the tram (Reus station), as well as on buses number 1, 2, 5, 5b, 8, 28, 29, 79, 80 and 95.

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Museum of Science and Arts

This is a modern complex consisting of an opera theater, a cinema, which demonstrates movies in 3D format, as well as in IMAX format, Actually Museum of Science, Aquarium and Garden. In the oceanarium, various marine inhabitants are presented, it is divided into several thematic areas (among them the tropical zone, the area of ​​the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as the zone of the swamp). In the oceanarium also located Dolphinarium. The Museum of Science is different from all museums, about which I wrote above, the fact that it is interactive - visitors can make simple experiences. The museum is dedicated to science, its development, as well as the human body - there in an affordable form talks about the processes taking place with us. The cinema demonstrates films with a scientific bias, there are both sessions for adults and films for children. Separate tickets are sold to each part of the complex, their price is usually within 15 euros, the most expensive ticket to the oceanarium - you will have to give 27 euros. This complex is located near the city center, you can reach it both on the subway and by bus. The nearest metro station is called Alameda, and next to it stops the following buses - 1, 13, 14.15, 19, 35, 95 and 40.

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Museum of Fallas

In March, a festival called Las Fallas is held in Valencia - it symbolizes the arrival of spring. During the festival, huge dolls made from Paper-Masha are burned. The production of such figures has long been the art - the artists and even designers work over them for many months. The museum demonstrates the most interesting figures that avoided the burning. It is located in Monteovilete Square.

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Biopark Valencia

The biopark is a zoo in which the animals live in conditions as close as possible to natural - they are separated from visitors a natural barrier (for example, ditch). There are animals from different regions of the world, but special attention is paid to the field of Mediterranean, as well as Africa. A ticket for one day will cost you at 23, 80 euros for adults and 18 euros for children and persons over 65 years old. The biopark is at the following address - Avenida Pio Baroja, 3. You can get to it on buses number 3, 29, 61, 67, 81 and 95. The nearest metro station is Nou d 'Octubre.

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