India's transport: Machines and buses.


About machines. You should not count on something modern and super-duper ultrakportable. It is undoubtedly there, but not for widespread consumption. In most cases, they will have to be satisfied with the fact that the car is in principle there, and it even goes! This is quite enough, honestly, I do not curve the soul. A huge number of cars in India are similar to our Soviet "Eared" and "Eyes" of the 70s of the last century. Jeeps, in my opinion, era of the 60s. Sometimes we even came across new high-quality cars, although I do not exclude that we were just lucky. The most expensive is to order a car at the hotel. Especially expensive to order a car in a high-class hotel. Of course, for the fabulous grandmas you will be served a VIP-class car, for which, out, I somehow answered that I just needed to at the airport, and not a hotel room at the price of the ticket by a plane. If you go out and come to the nearest travel agency (no more than 50m, I suppose), then the price will decrease by 30-50% if you negotiate directly with the driving (which may well work on the same agency) or through a friend even less. The cheapest is to catch on the street, take in the parking lot, but in this case I do not pass for your safety, nor for the quality of the car. If you make up Prepaid Taxi (as a rule at the airports of some cities), then be prepared for the fact that you pay about two times more expensive than the fact, and drove at the end of the trip will begin to put pressure on pity and poke Bakshish. In any case, the car is always comfortable, reliably and pretty quickly.

India's transport: Machines and buses. 5462_1

Buses are a special category of Indian transport, I didn't even meet anything like in the world and did not think what exists, because I was sure that such bass was rushed into the fly, remaining in post-war time. The difference between the Government Bus and Local Bus is that the first always comes, as in the schedule and sells tickets indicating the place. The second goes like God put on the soul, that is, lives his own, no one underwent life: for such a bass delay in the order of things, and the cancellation is not uncommon. Take him storm, climbing into all open spaces, and the conductor is inhabit you, which is available in such a remnant of the past.

India's transport: Machines and buses. 5462_2

However, the conductor, the most important and respected person, commander of the parade, and in government bass, but only in order to collect money at intermediate stops and whistle in a whistle, giving to understand the driver when you trimmed, and when to stay. We drove in Government Bus from Jodhpur to Ranakpur, and the sad trick experience in Local Bus is described in the history of Gujarat. I have seen local bass in Kerala, but I did not venture on such a milance technique: there are no windows on the bus, in the windows of the lattice, inside - wooden, rudely choped shops for seating - a tricky prison on wheels. In general, now I can argue that any Indian bus is strongly not recommended to accelerate at least 60 km / h. This is a critical figure, the bus starts to rattle all the windows, the windows will open, the doors, which are still kept on an honest word, the chance of losing the wheels appear. On the crossing of Jodhpur-Ranakpur, we were caught just a unrealized Schumacher, who "drove" on such a speed, we also had only praying. I think that all public transport accidents in India occur due to the diviban and absolute unsuitability of the fleet, and not at all because drivers chase and do not follow the rules, what they write on the Internet. Be peace for God, Indians have no idea what it means to be striking, for them the distance is 175 km in four with a small hour - already a feat, already a churchhood, in which they hit themselves by the aircraft and are surprised why they do not take off on such a mad speed. The only decent bus like our Moscow, I tried between the terminals of the Delia Airport, but was shuttle bus, in which foreigners were moving mainly to the international terminal.

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