What is worth viewing in Como? The most interesting places.


Arriving in a como, barely restrain in order to immediately not run into the lake, so as not to swim and run a barefoot in the sand. There is so many clean air and mounted landscapes that you want to sit, watch and just breathe. In essence, the town is not big, and you need to see so much that it is just a head of the circle. And there is everything, there is so much cute and comfortable, that I want to sometimes never go back to the metropolis, forget about noise and fuss the crowd of ever-hurrying people and live surrounded by this natural beauty.

What is worth viewing in Como? The most interesting places. 54561_1

Literally near the station, tourists can see such an interesting sculpture.

What is worth viewing in Como? The most interesting places. 54561_2

And so on the central square of Piazza Duomo, it is worth going to Duomo - the Cathedral, which began to build in 1396 on the site of the old basilica, and finished already in 400 years, so that the supervisory visitor Leszko will notice the eclectics of styles. The facade of the building is made in the Gothic style, but the dome - in the style of Baroque finished already in 1744. A lot of artists and sculptors decorated the cathedral, they even brought the ancient statues of Pralia junior and stardy senior, there are also two sculptures of Lviv 12th century. Flemish tapestries refer to the 16th century, and the stucco to the 17th century.

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What is worth viewing in Como? The most interesting places. 54561_4

Not far from the cathedral, it is more accurate to him closely, aims to leave the town hall of Bourletto, built in 1215, but decorated it with a multi-colored marble mined in Lombardy on a lot later, almost two centuries, while at the same time the arch was completed and removed the portico .

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In 1764, the theater was placed here, and a little later, a store was opened in the building, now there are conferences and exhibitions here. In general, it is very inteezno that initially the word "Bolenetto" meant "Garden" or "Orangery", over time, began to call a fenced field. Intesso that in many cities of Italy there are buildings with the same name, only externally differently differ in functionality.

In Como, the tower stands right in principle to the cathedral, thus, in this way, the authorities wanted to show that the city rulers and religion are inseparable.

Near the cathedral and the tower adjacent to it, you will see more precisely to hear the sounds of music from the theater, where very often performing classical music.

Como is a very old and cozy town, here something interesting can be found literally on every corner, even in simple gearboxes and courtyards you can see such painted ceilings and walls.

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Here every street as a small museum, here you can wander all day, admire and enjoy.

Further, tourists are simply obliged to see the Tomb-Museum of Allesandro Volta - the famous Italian physics and physiologist, which was born here in Como. The scientist invented several important devices, such as a condenser, an electroscope and an electriform, and he also discovered and studied the combustible gas - methane. The museum was originally planned as a temple-repository of works, tools and devices of the famous physics, but the architect Frederico Frejringer fulfilled him in the style of Pantheon, so the museum became a real temple of the scientist.

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In the temple, a very beautiful floor decorated with a mosaic, in which marble of 30 different shades was used, a rare alibaster and onyx.

Next, it is necessary to visit the Basilica of St. Abbondia, which is considered the oldest in the region, because according to legend it was built in the 5th century and renovated in 11m. It is said that the very first bishop, who came here from Rome also brought the relics of Peter and Paul. Now the decoration of Basilica is quite modest, even ascetic, but to go and look at the ancient walls with frescoes and the paintings of the 14th century worth it.

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And one more pearl como and probably the richest, most elegant villa of Italy is Villa Carlotta. Theoretically, the villa is located in the town of Tremezzo, but being in a como just can not come to do not come. The villa was built in the 17th century by one very wealthy banker from Milan. Since then, a lot of water has flowed, Villa was sold, she changed the owners, one of whom was the daughter of the Persian Marianna (Wilhelmin Frederick Louise Charlotte Marianna Netherlands - Princess from the Orange Dynasty) from Nassau Carlotta. Now the villa owns states and the entrance is worth 9 euros. In the villa itself, art objects are directly exposed - paintings and sculptures, the interior and decoration of the rooms are also preserved. And around the villa there is a chic garden in which 500 plant species from all continents are growing.

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Here in such a room Eil daughter of the Netherlands Princess of Carlotta.

Another magnificent villa in Como is Villa Olmo. The construction of this chic house lasted for almost 20 years, finished it in 1812, the architect Simone Cantoni was equipped with the building. The villa was prevented by many rich and famous guests, in 1883 it was a little rebuilt on the orders of the owner and she acquired a modern appearance. Now the owner of Olmo is the city municipality. There are organizing exhibitions and conferences, and the park is open to everyone, the entrance is free.

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Well, besides historical and architectural attractions in the city, simply magnificent nature - Mountains Lake and greens, it is probably the most perfect art.

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