When is it better to relax in Valencia?


Valencia is on the east coast of Spain, or rather on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The climate there is simply amazing, but the beach season, unfortunately, does not last all year round. You can swim in Valencia since June - at the beginning of this month the sea warms up to 20-22 degrees, the water is cool, but you can swim. In May, the water is still completely cold - 18-20 degrees, but those whom it does not frighten, can open the swimming season and in the spring. Finally, water warms up by the end of June and reaches 24-26 degrees - water refreshes slightly, but at the same time it is so warm that there can be overcooked several hours without the slightest risk. The high season in Valencia begins just the same since July and also captures August. At this time, the sea temperature is most suitable for swimming, and the air temperature usually ranges between 27 and 32 degrees. July and August as it is impossible to stay for rest with children - they will be able to bathe whole days long, but do not forget that the air temperature is high enough - it is best to leave the beach about 11 hours and return there after dinner, starting with 4 Watch of the day.

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At about noon, the daytime temperature reaches its maximum, it can pass over 30 degrees, and the sun at this time of the day is very evil - so as not to burn, you need to constantly use sunscreen cream at least with an average defense factor. There are practically no precipitation at this time, one month is one - two cloudy days (and it does not happen at all). Prices for accommodation in Valencia are changing during the season - the most expensive hotel or apartments will cost you in August, in July, prices are slightly lower, in June they are already noticeably cheaper, well, the cheapest beach holiday option in Valencia is September, that is, the so-called the Velvet season. Prices for accommodation in August and September differ significantly - on a quarter, and then by a third. In the first half of September, the average daytime temperature is about 28 degrees, and the sea still does not have time to cool - therefore, for trips with the child, September is also quite suitable. Tourists at this time becomes significantly less, so you do not have to face the crowd on the beach and queues in cafes and restaurants.

In October, it is not possible to swim in October (water becomes a cooler - its average temperature is 20-22 degrees), and the prices for accommodation fall sharply. This time is not suitable for excursions and dating with the city. The average daytime temperature keeps near 25 degrees, so you will be very comfortable to explore the city. At this season, the rains are already beginning in Valencia, and cloudy days are also not uncommon, so, going to Valencia in October, be sure to capture warm things and an umbrella. In the afternoon, it can be very hot in the sun, many even go in T-shirts, but after sunset there is sharply cold, so you have to wear jackets. In November, it becomes even colder, the average daytime temperature usually does not rise above the mark of 20 degrees, but at this time in Valencia still many sunny days - I would say that they alternate with cloudy.

Winter in Valencia is soft enough (especially if you compare it with the winter in Russia). The daily temperature averages from 10 to 15 degrees, freezes are true at night. To predict whether it will be sunny in Valencia or stand overcast and windy weather, it is impossible, therefore, gathering there in winter, you should take with you both warm and lighter things. This time is not better suited for sightseeing holidays, and since tourists in the city are a bit, you do not have to stand in the queues, and you can in a calm mode of all the sights that interest you. Also in late January, a period of essential discounts on clothes, shoes, accessories and other products are beginning in Valencia - discounts offer both small shops and large shopping centers (among them, of course, by all the favorite Corte Ingles).

In the spring, the air temperature gradually begins to grow, and the number of sunny days is steadily increases - the average temperature in March is already 18 - 20 degrees, in April 20-23 degrees, and in May, approaching 25 degrees. Unfortunately, the water is still cold, so it will not work. But spring is the time of holidays and festivals in Valencia, which you can get, deciding to visit this city in March. From March 1 to March 19, a carnival is held in Valencia, which symbolizes the arrival of spring. It is characterized by costume processions, fireworks, as well as burning figures from papier-maha (this holiday is called Las Fallas). March 19 in Valencia also starts the Corrida season - if you want to look at the fight of man and bull, come in March and enjoy this spectacle. In early April, Easter is celebrated in Valencia with a scope - folk festivities are guaranteed. If you like noisy processions and want to join the Spanish tradition of celebrating holidays - be sure to come to Valencia in March or April.

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When is it better to relax in Valencia? 5456_3

Las Fallas (Carnival)

Thus, by summarizing the foregoing, it can be said that Valencia is exactly the city where you can come all year round - everything depends on you and on what kind of rest you prefer. If you want to combine beach holidays with noisy campaigns on discos and bars, get acquainted with the crowd of youth - come to Valencia in July or August, if you prefer more relaxed holidays on the sea - choose the velvet season - that is September. Would you like to go to museums, calmly take a walk along the silent city and to warm up a little on the sun? Come to Valencia from October to February. Do you dream to participate in a noisy Spanish holiday and see how the Spaniards are able to have fun? Then order tickets for March or April. Are you attracted to big discounts on clothes and shoes? In late January and July, shopping centers will open their doors to you, offering generous discounts that can achieve as much as 70-80 percent! By the way, if you are going to Valencia for the sake of shopping, keep in mind that at the beginning of the period the sale of discounts are not so great - they are about 20-30%, but the range is still big, and by the end of this period, many standing things are sold out, but also The price drops sharply - maximum discounts can reach 80%.

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