What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places.


The fact that Sicily is insanely beautiful, just not even once again to write. And skiing, the town on the east coast, at the foot of Etna, is also very beautiful. The fact that it is worth seeing, I will gladly write (in addition, what the author of Marina wrote in such an article).

Palazzo Biscari (Palazzo Biscari)

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_1

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_2

This is a private castle that once was erected for local dukes from the genus Castello. Build the castle began in the 17th century, after the island shook the terrible earthquake and many city buildings were destroyed. The castle was built almost a century! It is located opposite the city walls (Charles V walls), which also did not spare an earthquake.

Not one famous architect worked on the creation of the castle, and when other owners took the building, they changed something again. Solemnly covered the castle in the end in 1763.

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_3

The main beauty of the construction is seven large windows that look at the sea. Entrance - through a massive portal, which goes to the Promenade Via Museo Biscari. Next, you will fall into the patio, where you will see a large double staircase decorated with stucco. Be sure to visit the hall of the festival, it is the main hall of the structure, which is built in the style of Rococo. Here, where is the real holiday mirrors, stucco and frescoes. The dome of the building is also painted by frescoes depicting family members of Paterno Castello di Biscari.

There is another interesting room, a feudal room, where you can admire paintings with portraits of Biskari subjects. Visit the princess room, with a marble floor brought from ancient Roman villas. Non-essential Bird Gallery and Don Quixote Room.

And, of course, there is a museum in the castle, dedicated to the life of the owners of the owners and the Castle itself. Earlier, the collection of works of art, which was collected by one of the castle owners, today it can be seen in the museum of Castello Ursino.

Palazzo Tezzano (Palazzo Tezzano)

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Beautiful palace on Piazza Stezeiko Piazza in the city center. The castle began to build in 1709 on the possessions of one local graph. Later he is the Palace of the City Municipality. And by 1727 the palace turned into a hospital at all. Closer to the mid-19th century, the hospital experienced financial difficulties, and therefore the part of the building was made by the bourbon dynasty archive, and a little later, the Cabinet of the Attorney General and the Criminalistic Office of the Prosecutor General. A few years later, at the end of the 19th century, the building was fully residence, and the hospital was moved to the building nearby. At the same time, a special building for the court was built on Piazza Giovanni Verga Square, and in 1953, the court had already moved there. For a while in this castle was located the medical faculty of one of the universities of the city. Here is such a passing from the hands of the palace.

The palace is built in the form of the letter "U". Impressive courtyard of the palace. Very beautiful main facade with balcony and clock tower. By the way, the facade is asymmetric: it is divided by fake stone columns that differ in color with the rest (darker).

Massimo Bellini Theater (Teatro Massimo Bellini)

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_5

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_6

This is a clearer theater in Catania, named after composer Vincenzo Bellini. The construction of the theater began almost two centuries after a terrible earthquake at the end of the 17th century - in 1870. By the way, first it was planned to place this lock in a completely different place (next to the monastery of Santa Maria di Nukovaluc. But, as always, did not have enough money. And at that scheduled place, a small theater was built later, which was completely destroyed in the second world. Theater solemnly opened In 189, and on the stage they gave the "norm" Bellini. The building was very harmoniously fitted in the neighboring houses in the style of Sicilian Baroque. The Hall of the theater is enormous --) Already 1,200 people (4 yarus of loggias). Impressive foyer from marble, and in Central Ark there is a statue Bellini himself. Pay attention to the ceiling of the main hall, which is decorated with paintings with plots of the four most famous operas of the Great Composer. On the stage of this theater put all Bellini Opera. By the way, from 51 to 53 years old, the Great Maria Callas appeared here. In the early 2000s There was a major overhaul, after which the theater was even more beautiful (Escho, because the repair cost 2 million). Look for the theater at: Via Giuseppe Perrotta, 12

Church of San Benedetto (San Benedetto)

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What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_8

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_9

The church was built at the very beginning of the 18th century on one of the most beautiful streets of the city - Via Crociferi. The church belongs to the religious complex of the Order of the Benedictine Monks (except for this church there is also a big and small abbey, which are connected by an indoor bridge through this street). The main "highlight" of the Church - Skalnita del Angelo - "Angels Staircase", which is made of marble and decorated with the statues of angels and patterned iron railings. By the way, the church stands on the ruins of the 7th century temple, which died during the whole of the same ill-fated earthquake of 1693. The wooden entrance door is decorated with an image of scenes from the life of St. Benedict and standing along with beautiful columns. Internally, decoration is no less beautiful - impressive frescoes, which depict the coronation of the Virgin Mary and other religious moments. Also very beautiful frescoes on the church arches and the polychry marble altar, decorated with a mosaic and a panel of bronze, silver and gold. And marble floors are a "gift" from the previous church.

Giovanni Verga House Museum (Casa Museo Giovanni Verga)

What is worth viewing in the catcher? The most interesting places. 54541_10

This is a house where the famous Italian writer Giovanni Verga lived. Almost nothing has changed from that time in the house. After the writer died, the house was turned into a museum. It is located in the very center of Gorda in a 19th century building. From the main entrance to the apartment Giovanni leads a long staircase. The living room is hanging the reproduction of versus manuscripts, as well as the writer bust. A watell mask of the writer's father's wax mask is stored in a wooden box. The main room in the apartment is a library with a table in which the master's personal belongings are stored. Impressive collection of books (more than 2.5 thousand volumes). Writer's bedroom more than a modest bed, a wardrobe with a couple of suits, a mirror and two chairs by the fireplace. But the portraits and photographs of the eords are interesting. If you are at least a little familiar with the work of the Master, be sure to visit this museum. Address: Via Sant'anna, 8

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