How to take yourself in the Maldives?


It is believed that young couples go to the Maldives in their wedding journey. My husband and I did not beat off the main crowd, and also decided to lay two weeks on the beach of the island of Sun Island under coconut trees. Honestly, boredom is terrible there. Even, despite the fact that we love nature, we always choose tour of the natural attractions, and absolutely not lovers of noisy discos - even us such a foolish on the beach has become annoying on the third day. Of course, in the first days, the beauty of nature simply captures the spirit. It is a rest in the style of "Bounty". Which island does not choose, everywhere there will be just an extraordinary azure color water, white and small, like dust, sand, and the most beautiful underwater world.

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But after three or four days of delight, you begin to ask the idea of ​​where to do. We decided to storm the excursion rack of our hotel. So it began our diversity on the island. First of all, we went to reef - swim with a mask and a tube. Very, I will tell you, I wonder. The very fact that you swim in the open ocean, very exciting blood. On this excursion, the boat exports tourists far from the island of deep into the ocean and tourists dive near the reef. Reef himself caught not very large in the area. When you swim above him, you feel calm. Under you corals, beautiful fish. But it is worth the climb and sail outside the reef. Looking down, and there is the abyss of the ocean, where big fish swim and, of course, the bottom is not visible. I was scared, but interesting.

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The second excursion was observing dolphins. But here we were not lucky. The weather was windy and cloudy. In such weather, dolphins rarely come across. So do not waste your time and money. Dolphins need to go only in sunny weather. Also between excursions we found entertainment and on your island. On the island of Sun Island, every evening for tourists arrange feeding the rods and sharks. I didn't really like the shark feeding, as they need to just throw into the water from the pier. But the feeding of the skates is remembered for life. The huge skates sail to the shore and they need to slip fish on the palm right to mouth. At this time you can stroke the skate. Entertainment very captures. True, you need to be very neat. The Maldives on the briefing with laughter say that the skate has no teeth and feed it is not dangerous. In fact, the ladies are full of mouth very small and sharp, like a razor of teeth. When the skat captures the fish, he may chance to grab and hand. We were so twice. Hurt and unpleasant. The fingers are then flattened along the small threads of cuts. So be careful.

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And of course, daily entertainment in Maldives is swimming with a mask and a tube around the island. Here is finely, the water is perfectly transparent and very beautiful underwater world. Along the shore, there is no excitement of water at all, so you can swim with comfort and for a long time. In general, we liked the Maldives. For lovers of maritime livery here, paradise on Earth. But those who choose noisy discos and bars do not come here not to come here. You can't take yourself.

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