Holidays in Garda: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Garda?


30 kilometers from the city of Romeo and Juliet are the picturesque and the most pure Lake Garda in Europe. The reservoir was formed in a glacier-tectonic fault. The location is simply magnificent - at the foot of the Alps (this is the most southern pre-found lake), not far from Venice (only 35 kilometers) and Milan (actually 140 kilometers is not so and not far away, but nevertheless). The lake stretched over three provinces - Lombardy, Veneto and Trentino.

Lake Garda is especially popular among windsurfing lovers, steep slopes and winds attract lovers of water sports and paragliders. The beaches along the lake are mainly covered with pebbles, there are both wildly equipped but there. So you can sunbathe in your pleasure. Also, on the lake there are 10 diving companies, so you can explore the coastal and underwater beauty of the lake.

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So come to the lake and do not try to ride at least the boat is just a sin.

Around the lake settled several (if not to say about a dozen) of very cozy Italian towns, which should be visited to explore local attractions and enjoy the landscapes.

Moniga del Garda is a small town that is considered the center of the rest area on Lake Garda. Archaeologists have proven that this territory was settled 1800-2000 years before our era. According to the legend in these parts, the goddess Diana Mukina lived, from her behalf and the name of the town of Garda. Over the entire coast of the lake, excellent historical and natural monuments are scattered.

The Garda town of the same name on the east coast of the lake is literally a piece of paradise on Earth, this place is called "Riviera Olive". The town is actually tiny, there is only a little less than 4,000 people. The town is located near the rock of La Rocca, the height of which is 300 meters, and it opens a chic view of the surrounding area. In the North-West, the city has a magnificent Cape San Virgilio (between Garda and Torri del Benaco), which is a small peninsula with an ancient church, Villa Gvaryty and a cypress park. The town will simply motivate historical sights and architectural monuments. The most beautiful probably is the Palace of Captains.

Another cozy town is Malcesine, it is probably the most romantic town on the coast. The town is located at the foot of Monte Baldo. Do not climb there means to miss half of the trip, the view from the top you will never forget in life.

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At the top except the landscapes you are waiting for amazing views of the Alpine plants. There is just a real alpine alpine garden. Only here on the top of the cliff is cold enough, in July in the month on top of only +15 degrees, so capture something warmer.

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Holidays in Garda: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Garda? 54425_4

These are interesting green spines grow on the rocks, I really wanted to grow such houses just no, they give them the Alps.

Regarding the vegetation, on the lake, the Mediterranean climate, which contributes to the rustling of greenery, there are oranges, lemons, olive trees and cypresses. Sometimes the north-western honor of the reservoir is called the "lemon coast" - Riviera Dei Limone, because there are a lot of lemon plantations. And the olive groves spread out in the east, so there "Olive Coast" - Riviera Degli Olivi.

The only little inconvenience, or vice versa dignity (to whom) is what is better to travel here on your own car. The infrastructure is sufficiently developed, the roads are good, the truth is serpentine, but with the city transport problems, so it is better not to depend on trains and buses. By car you can quickly and comfortably inspect everything or almost everything.

Even in the vicinity of Garda, there is the largest amusement park in Italy, located in the coastal town of Castelnovo del Garda in the south-east of the lake.

Local cuisine will also delight gourmets, here in any town you can try the canceled trout fillet and the traditional dish of the carboner.

About Lake Garda, the town of Garda and others you can write and write, sometimes words are not enough to convey all the beauty that is waiting for tourists. In some extent, Garda is very similar to Como, but exactly the same and does not look like. In order to understand, you need to see everything yourself, sometimes you think about the trip, and is it worth it? Is it worth it spent money and strength money? But when you come, then you understand that yes, it is worth it and for the sake of these moments closer to nature, the lake, parks ... You realize that for the sake of it is worth living, because it is life itself.

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