What is worth viewing in Verona? The most interesting places.


The Italian city of Love Verona is owned by most of the Shakespeare, because the tragic events in the work of "Romeo and Juliet", which had the historical basis, are unfolded. In the 16th century, two very distinguished and rich families lived in Verona, while they were terribly hostile. The prototype of the Kapulenti family (Juliet) was Klan Dal Capello, their home is still in the city at ul. Capello 23. Even the balcony was preserved, where Romeo admitted to Love Juliet (well, it doesn't matter that there is no place on the balcony). According to reference, if the lovers kiss under this balcony, they will be together for always.

Unfortunately, in 1667 the house was sold to the family of Rizzardi, and they turned it into a storage courtyard. However, now in the house now there is a museum that works from 8-30 to 7-30 pm, adult entrance costs only 4 euros.

In 1972, a statue of Juliet was installed under the balcony, the author became NEREO Kostantini. By legend, if you touch the right breast of the statue brings good luck in love :), you can come and check yourself. By the way, in the house, Juliet can even hold a wedding ceremony for 1500 euros.

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What is worth viewing in Verona? The most interesting places. 54393_2

What is worth viewing in Verona? The most interesting places. 54393_3

If there is a juliet house, then the Roomo house should be. The house, which is considered home Romeo, most likely has nothing to do with the prototype of this famous character. Romeo's house is a Gothic building of 14-16 centuries, whose owner was Caenoli Nagorno. The house was sold several times in parts and, in fact, little from the pristherent interior remained.

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Now it is a building with a beautiful facade and no more.

Another landmark of Verona, associated with Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, is the tomb of Juliet. The tomb is a sarcophag of red marble, which is located in the Capuchin Monastery. It really doesn't know that Juliet itself is reliably, he only learned about the tomb only when Luigi yes, Porto "History of Great Lovers" came out. A few centuries were published by the Roman Germames de Steel "Karina", there was also mentioned by Sarcophag Juliet. All this time, the sarcophagus was in the garden. Over time, he was transferred closer to the temple, established antique statues, installed Shakespeare bust. After the release of the film "Romeo and Juliet" in 1936, the sarcophagus moved to the monastery and the Juliet's personal mailbox was installed, where letters from all over the world are sent, only Juliet is answered, and the monastery wonderful.

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The next sightseeing Verona is a castle Castelweeko - a sample architecture of the scaliger period. For many centuries, the castle was the residence of the kings and rulers of the country, as well as weapons warehouses, stables, etc. Now in the castle there is a museum of Vienician painting, where the works of such masters as Veronese, Titian, Carpaccio are exhibited. Here is the Arch of Scaligers (the tomb of scaligers) - Kangrande I Della Rock.

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Other famous arch (tombs) of scaligers are not far from the Santa Maria Antique church. By itself, the most important tomb of Kangrande I Della Rock has the form of Tabernacle - gorgeously decorated with a niche with the statue of Kangranda I Della Rock (only here is a copy, the original is in Castelweko Castle). Also nearby are very rich tomb Mastino II Della Rock and Cansignorio della Rock and more modest tombs of other representatives of the family.

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Considering the tomb of famous Scullingers, it is also worth a visit and the church of Santa Maria Antique itself - this is one of the most visited places in Verona (probably the second after the juliette house). The very first building was built in the 7th century, but in the 10th century the building was destroyed by an earthquake, in 1185 the church rebuilt the church, after which the church was rebuilt several times and in the 19th century a real appearance was given.

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Another famous and very outstanding landmark of the city is the Lamberti Tower, or as it also is called the tower with bells. The height of this structure is 83 meters and it was built in 1172. At the top there is a wonderful observation deck with which a magnificent look opens.

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There is still a lot of interesting things in the city, so much you need to look at, the main thing is that time is enough. Unfortunately, 5 days in Verona is not enough, time runs so quickly that he would seem to have just 20 minutes in the Juliet house, it turns out that it has passed 3 hours! So plan a trip so that you can see everything. We really wanted to watch the Muffa Palace - a baroque building, decorated with statues of gods and there is also a statue of a winged lion - a symbol of Venice, under the rule of which Verona conducted as many as 4 centuries.

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