Where can I eat in Batumi?


Georgia, as a rather generous country, is trying to feed its guests with the most delicious dishes from the national cuisine. In Batumi, tourists are offered to taste Ajarsky Khachapuri. This dish is a visiting card of local cuisine. To be sure that you eat a real khachapuri, you should know - there should be two eggs in the dish.

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Many good chharcheng and cafes are located in the old town area. Portions in the cafe are very large. You can immediately order one for two to estimate the size. I was fully eaten with a child with one portion. Even some dishes were taken from her husband. Feed the child in the cafe is not dangerous. However, before ordering it is worth clarifying with a waiter, which dishes will eat a child and ask to prepare them with a minimum number of spices or without them. Most often, the quality of food in the cafe is good. For all the time of rest, there was no problem with digestion.

Many I advise you to visit the cafe "Hello from Batumi" at Mamed Abashidze, 36. The place is quite good, but not the best in the city. Prices are not from the category of low. Cooking with a minimum number of spices for a child in this institution refused.

In Batumi, you can try one more unusual dish - Tklapy or Fruit Lavash. Make it from plum puree or other fruits, or berries by natural drying in the sun. So this puree is preserved longer, and if necessary, it is raised with water and added to various dishes. Tourists most often eat Tklapy in its pure form. It reminded me of a natural fruit gum. I liked the children very much.

In Batumi, it's hard to find supermarkets and shopping centers. Food and other necessary things can be purchased in private shops. The range is quite large in them, but buy food is better in the morning. Because all the most fresher disassembled to lunch, and in the evening only the products are just as a hand. In some shops, you can order the necessary products. If the owners can help, then the next day your order will be brought to the store. It is worth buying in private bears Beautiful Georgian wine. It tastes pleasant and prices acceptable. A bottle of good wine costs $ 10-12. This is not the usual bottlefish, and the present young wine of Georgia.

Batumi has another place that needs to be visited not only from curiosity, but also for the purchase of food. This is the market. It differs from similar places in Turkey or in European countries. In this place, all sorts of smells are mixed and, perhaps, it would be worth getting. But only you get to that part of the market, where spices are sold, then immediately all the shortcomings will go to the background. Looking at the number of spices, the feeling is created that all plants of the country are transferred to them.

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The same applies to tea and cheeses. Eyes run away from a huge selection. Suluguni, Ajarsky, have - all of them are unique to taste. I repeatedly tried Suluguni, but the taste of Batumi cheese turned out to be special. There are many vegetables, fruits and sweets on the market.

In addition to all interesting places in the city, in Batumi there is a variant of McDonalds. It is called this institution Cemer.

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It takes very popular among tourists and locals. In addition to ordinary hamburgers, Potatoes Friend and Cheeseburgers, in this place serves homemade food and various types of Khachapuri. Prices are acceptable. Double cheeseburger, chicken soup stand 4.5 lari, ice cream costs 3 lari, Khachapuri, depending on the filling costs from 4.5 to 9.5 lari. Located Cemer in the Park area on May 26th. You can always eat up to 22:00.

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