What excursions worth visiting in Sukhumi?


Abkhazia is a country that is known thanks to the gentle sea and the subtropical climate of the coast. However, it is also the territory of the mountains that are covered with dense forest and blooming alpine meadows, and recalcitable mountains under the eternal glaciers.

Excursion to Shakuran Waterfall

Cars for this excursion go from New Athon and Sukhum. A trip from Sukhum to the end item of the route will take one hour, from the new Athon - about one and a half.

At the beginning, transport is going on the main coastal road, after turning to the Sukhum military road, which is famous for both Misimian. Another name is the ancient Abkhaz path. The modern road was built in the nineteenth century during the Russian-Turkish war and the conquest of the mountain tribes in the Caucasus. In former times, this transcaucasian road for five thousand years connected the North Caucasus and Small Asia. During the "great resettlement of peoples" (the fourth-seventh century), it was the most important expensive from Byzantium to Central Asia by the Caspian. At the time of the Soviet Union, a well-known all-union tourist route number of forty three ran through this way.

After we arrive at the end point of the route, the path of the path starts - according to the area of ​​crossed.

The path to Shakuran Waterfall will take about thirty minutes. This road is a mountain path that frightened moss, and around it surrounds the Samshot Forest - Real Abkhaz Jungle. The road goes next to the mountain river - you will immediately see the waterfall on top, and then get into the gorge, in which the amazing blue stone block is towers - on it a waterfall and collapses his stream.

It is most convenient to observe all the charm of this place after it was raining - the river is then filled, but at such a time is not visible - the blue boulder. For this reason, the excursions held in the months of drought when the waterfall drops not so powerful streams, also very entertaining and exciting.

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Going down to Shakuran Waterfall, you will have the opportunity to inspect the interesting natural architecture of the gorge and cascades of waterfalls. On the way you will meet two caves. One of them is a cebeldin, she is a long corridor with a spring.

After that, a hike on the gorge will begin, according to its numerous waterfalls, including swimming in the Jumpal River - this part of the excursion takes two hours.

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In the summer, it is not cold in this area, so it is not necessary to take warm things. But if you go in October - then it is better to wear a sports suit and capture a windbreaker with you. On the river, the organizers arrange a picnic where you are offered a kebab, cheese and homemade wine. The way back to the car will take thirty - forty minutes.

On the way back you are waiting for a visiting a healing mineral source located in the village of Marhayoul, or Mercheul, which is located three kilometers from traffic police at the Kodoro highway. The road from the central part of Sukhum to the Mercul source will take only thirty minutes by car. Marhayul village is also famous for the fact that the Lavrenty Beria is coming from here.

Picnic payment is included in the cost of the excursion.

The trip is designed for the whole day - from 9:00 to 17:00.

Safety Rules: On the excursion it is not recommended to take children who have not yet been ten years old.

Footwear for the trip should be sports or closed without a heel.

Excursion from Shakuran Waterfall to Lake Amtkel

At a distance of ten kilometers from the cebelda, on the rapid river Jumpal, Amtkel's village is located. The river built a bridge called Jampaal or, otherwise - red (thanks to the color in which the railing was painted).

On the distance of two kilometers from this bridge there is a cold river gorge. The end item of the route of tourist cars is at the end of this gorge. After arriving at the place, the hiking raising of the gorge starts, which tightly overgrown with the summer forest - to the height of two hundred meters.

You can make a rise to the lake both on foot and on the horse. No car, including SUVs, will not rise to Lake Amtkel. This tourist route is quite extended and includes overnight on the road - in a private house. Those travelers who visited the rice lake or on Hegi Waterfall, to which they get in road transport, suggest that the way to Lake Amtkel is the same. But this is not true: here you will have to spend some efforts for hiking.

Horse riding takes the same time, however, you will save forces. After some time, you will be able to see the wonderful landscape of Lake Amtkel, which is the second largest - after the high mountain lake Rice.

Lake Amtkel appeared in 1891 - m as a result of a strong earthquake. Because of him, the limestone breed rolled the road to the Amtkel River. In the length of the lake reaches two thousand four hundred meters, in width - four hundred and fifty, and its depth is approximately eighty. The lake is filled depending on the season of the year. This happens because the Lake Amtkel is located in the gorge of between the high wooded ridges and is fueled by water from a large mountain river with the same name. And the one, in turn, depends on the amount of precipitation and the melting speed of snow. A certain amount of water will be cooked from - under the riveted - this is a cold river.

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The price of the excursion includes a picnic and breakfast.

Excursion takes time for two days - from 09:00 to 16:00 next.

The cost of tourist escursions from the calculation per person, including food:

One-day walk to Shakuran Waterfall (Gorge and Cebeldin Cave) with swimming in the river Jumpal, as well as a picnic (in its menu included vegetables, pork kebabs, homemade wine and cheese, homemade boiled eggs, bread, greens; In addition, guides are also catching and Prepare fish - Trout and Usach) - 1600 p. From one (when traveling from New Athon) and 1300 p. From one (when drove from Sukhum).

A two-day tour of Lake Amtkel (on the first day - a hike to Shakuran waterfall, swimming on the river Jammel and overnight; on the second day of the excursion - ride on horseback to Lake Amtkel and Picnic):

3000 p. From one person - when leaving the city of New Athos, 2700 r. From one person - when departure from the city of Sukhum.

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