Holidays in Malta: The best resorts


Maltese archipelago in fact consists of 6 islands. But only three are considered fodder: Malta, Gozo. and Camino.

Malta - a place for active tourists who want to get acquainted with the local culture, to see the vintage historical sights, which are a huge amount here. Studying the underwater world Malta. Plunge into nightlife, visit local clubs, casino, cabaret. Also, taste the delicious Maltese cuisine, most of which are seafood.

Malta itself is divided into several towns. I want to note that in this country there is no such thing as a city resort for tourists, the locals themselves live here everywhere and stopping at the hotel, you will directly come into contact with their culture and life. Become a direct member of the life of Maltese.

Saint-Julians - The most popular place among tourists and not enough, it is this part of the island that is considered the most prestigious in Malta. It is known for its large amount of infrastructure, there is a large number of first-class restaurants for every taste and wallet. Here is one of the most beautiful Springs Spinola Bay. To relax in it is a pleasure. In St. Julians a large number of excellent five-star hotels with private beaches, but tourists from other hotels for an additional fee can also use them.

Youth and active tourists Saint-Julians also attract also their famous Paceville district, where most famous discos and bars are located. Every evening, a huge number of tourists rushing here, someone comes to just look, and someone to spend a good evening, drink, dance, meet.

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Sliema - City for a respectable public, here are all the most expensive shops, restaurants. In Slime, life takes place very calmly, you can even say measuring. No one is in a hurry anywhere, at any time you can see how leisurely tourists are walking in the embankment with local residents.

Slime has a large number of villas and high-altitude hotels. Beaches in Slime Stony.

In this place, it is good for those who love in addition to swimming in the sea, relaxing shopping, because it is in Slim all the brands of stores are collected, all souvenir shops where you can slowly walking, make purchases from morning to evening.

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San Pauls Bay - Former village, now the small town of the resort has settled here with its small infrastructure. It's great to rest here to relax for those who are looking for silence and calm. If you want to disperse a bit, then from San Pauls Bay goes a regular buses to the capital and other cities. Therefore, choosing this place, you will not feel far from civilization, everything is nearby. The beaches here are stony, but there is a sandy bay.

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San Pauls Bay.

Budjibba - Another fairly active city of Malta, however, compared to St. Julians, he is at times cheaper, both the cost of vouchers and prices inside. There are restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, shops. The tourist will always take himself. By the way, just next to this place are the most famous sandy bays. Budjibba has a large number of all kinds of hotels, also famous for its long promenade. And for those who wish to rent a car, it is worth using this service in this place, here the lowest rates for renting cars in Malta.

Beaches in Budjibbe all stony.

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Aura - The city of Aura smoothly moves from Budjibba. In fact, this is his brother twin. Beaches in Aure also stony.

Hotels are highly comfortable hotels. Good tourist infrastructure. There are rides for children, water park. Many restaurants, shops and bars are also present a small nightlife, but young people are still preferred to go to Pacheville.

Aura is very popular among tourists who are looking for a comfortable family vacation. From here, if desired, you can always get to the island of Gozo.

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Chirkevva Marfa - The place who is interested in a calm hotel rest. It is here that there is an excellent sandy beach and several hotels. This makes sense to ride people with young children and the elderly, who want to enjoy silence and peace. Active tourists here to accurately do nothing.

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Chirkevva Marfa

Gozo Island. - An ideal place for those who are tired of noisy cities and want to be alone with them and nature. It is on the Gozo that one can feel the local flavor of Malta, see local villages, cathedrals. Unlike Malta, the island is rich in vegetation.

Gozo is routing mainly in two places: Marsalforn and Schlendi. Both are small, with tourist infrastructure and good sandy beaches.

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Gozo Island.

Kamino Island "Tourists usually bring here on a tour, since only 9 people live in this place, the island is also famous for its blue lagoon. On the firewood there is only one hotel, it usually works only in the summer and accepts divers. Camino is an ideal place just for a type of sport, all other tourists should not stop here. It will be very boring.

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Kamino Island.

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