Where to go to Sukhumi and what to see?


The city of Sukhum is the capital of Abkhazia. In this place, administrative institutions are concentrated, as well as scientific and cultural. However, for visitors, Sukhum is mainly a climatic resort. What exactly this city is the choice of many people who want to relax in Abkhazia is not surprising - as it is possible to participate in Sukhumi in Sukhumi and to participate in business meetings.

Sukhum has a rich past - more than two and a half thousand years. There is a mixture of indigenous cultures - Abazigov and Apsilov - and Strangers - Romans, Byzantines, Greeks, Genoesers, Turks. In this regard, the capital repeatedly changed its name: Aku, Dizkuriad, Sebastopolis, Sukhum Kale.

In this article, we consider only a few sights of Sukhumi, their total number is so great that the description does not fit in this work with the entire desire of the author.

Abkhaz State Drama Theater. S. Chanba

The theater is on the coast, on the corner of Pushkin Street and Sukhumi Embankment. This building has a very busy story: at the very place where she is now located, in 1912 the Grand Hotel Hotel, which had thirty places, as well as the theater, designed for six hundred seventy spectators was erected. These two institutions were the property of the Sukhumsky merchant Aloizi. The hotel had a casino and two stores, the Sinemouth Olympia, a car service for rent, a restaurant, a small park and, moreover, a roller skating area. Subsequently, the theater was renamed the first state theater of Abkhazia, the hotel also received a new name - "Bzibe" (by the name of the river in Abkhazia). Both buildings were destroyed by fire in 1942 - and in 1952 they were restored. The hall for the audience, designed for seven hundred people, is equipped with radio, all produces are translated into Russian. The Abkhaz Drama Theater was founded in 1931. In today's repertoire: "Suician" N. Erdman, "Cyojin Fireproof" K. Goldoni, "Julius Caesar" W. Shakespeare, "Mahaz" F. Iskander and many others.

State Russian Drama Theater

This theater is located on Lenin Avenue, 8. In 1981 - the city, the Sukhumi State Russian Theater of the Young Spectator was opened in the city, and in 1990 it was transformed into a Russian theater of drama. In this cultural institution, you have the opportunity to see performances by classic works, as well as software and modern. In addition, there are children's deculations. The audience hall in the State Theater accommodates five hundred people.

Ardzinb's Avenue - Central City Street

Central Street in Sukhumi is Vladislav Ardzinba prospectus. One of the main wanders on this street is the construction, built even in the pre-revolutionary time - the city administration on which there are large tower clocks donated by Sukhumi Mosovet in 1950. A little further can be seen a secondary school number 10, which is already one and a half century. In the same time, she was called the Gorsk school.

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Leon Avenue

Leon's prospectus received his name in honor of Leon's second, who was one of the kings of Abkhazia, who founded the medieval Abkhaz state. During the Soviet Union, the prospectus was called differently - Lenin Street.

The most beautiful street Sukhumi is, of course, Leon Avenue, which stretches from the coast to the Mountain Trapeze. The beginning of the street - near the sea, near the famous urban "Brehalovka" - here the locals usually drink coffee. Here, after a cup of this invigorating drink, you can learn about all urban rumors. Walk here will be very busy and enjoyable. Palm trees grow on the street - fan and dates, as well as olendra. Local Lore Museum and Philharmonic are also on Leon Avenue. Next is the Botanical Garden. If you go on, in the mountain of the trapezium, you can go to the famous monkey kennel. Also, this street is known thanks to the traditional restaurant "Akyafurt" with dishes of national cuisine, the elegant building of the Rica Hotel, the best in Sukhumi San Remo restaurant, the building of the Business Center, and all these attractions of the beautiful metropolitan street.

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Abkhaz State Local Lore Museum

The Abkhaz State Local Lore Museum was founded in 1915. While visiting this institution, tourists may be closer to familiar with the natural world, history and the current life of the capital and the entire state. The museum has a lot of unique exhibits. The museum includes such departments as nature and archeology, the history of the ancient and middle ages, ethnography and the history of the modern period and funds. The museum is available for visiting every day from 10:00 to 15:00.

Embankment Sukhumi

Sukhumi's unique appearance is obliged to small hotels, cafes and restaurants, houses built from Venetian bricks, white houses, piled balconies and verandas. This is a famous meeting place, Local citizens love to relax here, this is such an Abkhaz analogue of Broadway. In the length of the Sukhumsky embankment takes approximately two kilometers.

Sukhumsk fortress

The Sukhumy fortress was erected by the Romans at the beginning of the second century of our era. This is the oldest monument in the state. Sukhumi fortress several times for his history experienced destruction and restructuring work. The wall leaving the shore fell into marine waters, however, in 1724, the Turkish fortress of Sukhum - Kale was founded on its ruins. At the end of the thirteenth century, the Sukhumskaya fortress began to play the role of the Kemesbian Chachba Residence, which later - the second of May 1808 - killed the conspirators - Turkophiles. The grave Kelsebia Chacha is located near the fortress. At the end of the Russian-Turkish war, the fortress moved under the management of Russians, and later she turned into prison for political convicted. Nowadays, the Sukhumsky Fortress is an archaeological monument, archaeological research is carried out here - from 1952 to year.

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Mountain trapezium

Mountain trapezium (or software - Abkhaz Khathua) has a very interesting story. The famous scientist, director of the Moscow therapeutic clinic - Professor A. A. Ostrumov - bought a small area of ​​the mountain of the mountain in 1880 - because he was amazed by the beauty of these places. He created a large garden and a cottage. In 1901, the year near the old wooden cottage was built a new one - Stone - here in the same year was visiting A.P.chekhov.

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