What is worth viewing in Tarragona? The most interesting places.


Tourists who visited Tarragona, very rarely leave bad reviews about the city, as here, they can find any entertainment on everything, without exception, tastes. In the city you can spend your holidays perfectly, it is not enough to hold on the magnificent beaches, swimming in the purest sea, enjoying a flawless ecological situation. For tourists who want to explore in more detail the local historical and cultural attractions, hospitably opened their doors the Old Town (the upper part of it), abounding with ancient buildings of different archaeological eras.

Church of St. Francis / Esglesia de Sant Francesc

What is worth viewing in Tarragona? The most interesting places. 54040_1

This temple, built in the XVIII century, is located at Tarragona, Rambla Vella, 57. The appearance of the Church of a special delight does not cause anything, except, it is necessary to admire the window-rose made during the last reconstruction in 1911. The facade and the bell tower are made in the style of neo classicism. It is worth entering the inside of the church, the inner decoration of which, looks very impressive, especially mural paintings, unique frescoes and a huge wrought chandelier, striking with their wealth.

Cathedral Tarragona / Catedral

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It is also worth visiting another religious building of the city located at: Tarragona, Plaza de La Seu. Looking at the appearance of the temple, it immediately becomes clear that this impressive cathedral is the main church of the city. It began to erect him in 1171 and only after a century and a half, in the middle of the XIV century, it was solemnly announced the end of construction. Enjoying a variety of architectural styles, do not forget to listen to the charming ring of 15 of the cathedral bells, which are considered the oldest in Western Europe (the bell of the asymptoms cast in 1313). Before entering the middle of the temple, take a closer look at the western facade of the building, especially, to the most beautiful portal of all Catalonia (the work of the sculptor Bartayeu). In the church there is a treasury and the diocesan museum. To get there will have to pay for the entrance ticket for an adult - 5 euros, for a child from 7 to 16 years old - 3 euros. During large religious holidays and on Sundays, when the service is held - a museum, where the treasures of the cathedral and all kinds of cults, made of precious metals, are not working. The museum has the opportunity for only 2 euros to take advantage of the audio guide in Russian. If you do not plan to go to the museum, then the entrance to the temple is free.

Archaeological Museum / Tarragona National Archaeological Museum

Tarragona, Plaza del Rei, 5 - at this address is the oldest Museum of Archeology, where a huge number of unique exhibits (25 thousand) found on the territory of the Amphitheater, built in the time of the Great Roman Empire, is exposed. The main part of the exposition found over the past 150 years is the objects of life of the ancient world as well as all sorts of sculptures, amphoras, weapons of ancient centuries, vintage coins and of course jewelry. The real pearl of the museum and its pride is a mosaic with the image of the mythical jellyfish Gorgon. The entrance ticket for an adult is 2.5 euros. Children under 18 go inside the building completely free. On Tuesdays, entrance to the museum is free. Monday weekend.

Roman Amphitheater Tarragona

What is worth viewing in Tarragona? The most interesting places. 54040_3

This impressive construction and scope, called the Amphitheater, which is the historical monument of the ancient era, is located at: Parque Del Miracle, 43003 Tarragona. According to historians, it was built in the II century on the Mediterranean coast. The majestic Arena served as a battlefield for gladiators and bloodthirsty contests with enraged predators. The audience did not disappear (the capacity of 13 thousand people) executions and torture over the first Christians who deliberately, for their faith, went to painful death. The most famous of such martyrs - Bishop frucenosis. Subsequently, a Christian religion has been established everywhere in the territory of Spain, in memory of the dead, in the IV century, the first Christian temple was built in the amphitheater arena, which, after 300 years, replaced the church of St. Mary's miracle. But, alas, there is nothing eternal! Only ruins remained from all these buildings. To sit on the podium of the Amphitheater, you will have to pay for an adult by 2.50 euros. Children under 16 do not pay. Works daily, except Easter!

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