What excursions worth visiting in New Athos?


Wonderful natural beauty, friendly sea and bright sun - all these enthusiastic words about Abkhazia. This country is located in the strip of the northern subtropics on the planet, so rest in Abkhazia attracts for many reasons. In the period of the Soviet Union, to relax in the new Athos could only afford the favorites, and in our time it can make many people.

New Athos is a picturesque resort that is eighty kilometers from the border of Russia and in twenty one - from the capital of Abkhazia - the city of Sukhum. This city is very beautiful, it attracts tourists, travelers and tourists due to its amazing beauty, soft microclimate, warm sea and amazing attractions.

The story of the new Athon is very ancient - for the first time it is mentioned in the third century of our era. By the way, in those days the city had another name - trachea, but already at that time he was a big trading center.

Consider popular excursions through New Athos

Excursion "New Athos and Gagra"

This is a historical - a natural tour, it takes ten o'clock in time, the length of the route is two hundred forty kilometers, on the road you will move around both on road transport and on foot. Its price: in Sochi - 300 r., In Abkhazia - even additionally 1230 r.

On the trip it is recommended to wear comfortable (preferably sporty) clothes and shoes, swimsuits, it would also be good to take hats.

In the northeastern part of the Black Sea coast in a sunny state, Abkhazia is a newaphon Karst Cave, which is among the three largest caves on our planet. The merit of its detection belongs to a speleologist - the archaeologist Givi Smyra. This event occurred on July 14, 1961, and the first tourists were allowed here on July 4, 1975.

The New Aphon Cave is a huge underground "city", which is impressive by large dimensions, splendor and beauty. It takes the territory of forty thousand square meters! According to the assurances of those tourists who have already visited here, the caves in the new Athos are the eighth miracle of the world ...

Excursion begins with the fact that experienced local guides talk about the history of their ancient country - sunny Abkhazia. In the way, you will bring to drive through different resort towns, to inspect their architecture and plant peace, make a stop in Gagra, and followed by this, you will get into the new Athos-Wheeled place in the country, known thanks to its unique plant peace and interesting antiquity monuments.

In the new Athos, you will show you a beautiful Waterfall "Men's Tears" and the Male Novo - Athos Monastery, in which the monks - men live to this day. After that, you will find yourself at the base of the Iverskaya Mountain - under it and there is a huge New Aphon Cave!

To get to the cave maze, it will be necessary to ride on the so-called "cave metro" - and after that you will find yourself in the unknown underground kingdom, where the walk along the mysterious caveplas. This journey will take your one and a half hours - during this time you will see six different halls, each of whom has its own story. Here you can enjoy the view of the bizarre stalactites, stalagmites, underground waterfalls and lakes. All the world does not exist a more beautiful cave!

What excursions worth visiting in New Athos? 5403_1

The length of the excursion route is 1.4 kilometers, the air in the cave has a temperature of 1 degree Celsius - for this reason, it is necessary to take care of yourself in advance, capturing warm clothes on a trip. Unusual lighting with the help of lanterns hidden in rocks and solemn musical accompaniment contribute to creating an original and unforgettable atmosphere.

On the way back the bus makes a stop in Gagra, where you can get to the beach rest.

On the excursion you need to have passports and birth certificates. If the child is not a native - then the power of attorney from the parents. When crossing the border, a Russian passport will be required.

Excursion "New Athos and Rice"

Tourists have the opportunity to learn more about the ancient land of Abkhazia, take a trip to the "country of the Soul", or by the local Apsna, as part of the excursion, which is called "New Athos and Rice"

Abkhaz mountains with their ice and rapid rivers are amazingly beautiful. These rivers begin with glaciers in the Caucasian Mountains, because of what, even with the fierce weather from their waters, itifies amazing cool. As in previous times, the trout is found here, salmon appears during spawning. As for the lakes, which are high in the mountains - and their number of more than one hundred eighties - their fame spread far beyond the country.

During this excursion, you will be able to get acquainted with the greatest legend in the Caucasus - Ritsa Lake, located on a thousand meters above sea level.

The path to the lake Rica runs through the beautiful mountain gorge, located along the beautiful restless river Bzbyb, next to the shining sapphires with a blue lake and fantastic waterfalls.

What excursions worth visiting in New Athos? 5403_2

Having reached the internal regions of the state, you will visit New Athos.

Here you will find yourself in the New Aphon Orthodox Monastery, founded in 1875 by Russian monks who were coming here from Pantelemon Monastery - with the sacred vertex of Athos, located in Greece.

The monastery was erected near the ancient temple of the apostle Simon Kanonite, in which, according to legend, his holy power is kept.

Interestingly, Alexander III took part in the construction of this monastery - it was in 1888

The sacred relic of the monastery is a miraculous cross with a particle of the Tree of the life-giving Cross of the Lord.

What excursions worth visiting in New Athos? 5403_3

In addition, in Athos, tourists have the opportunity to see the incredible product of the creativity of the natural forces - the famous New Aphon Cave - one of the biggest in the world.

In the process of excursions, you will see other Dicks of Abkhazia.

However, for this it is necessary to overcome the border, and therefore you have to have a civil or passport, and in children up to sixteen years old - birth certificate. Crossing the border in temporary identity IDs is not allowed. For up to eighteen years old, accompanied by one parent or accompanying beer requires notarial power of attorney from the second or both parents to travel abroad of the Russian Federation.

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