Rest in Basel: where to eat and how much does it cost?


Switzerland is a country of chocolate, cheese, potatoes and a variety of dishes, the names of which a foreigner sometimes simply will simply pronounce. Although without bones, but reading the names of the gastronomic delights of the type "Solves" and "Gzottus". Swiss cuisine is distinguished by regional diversity, so in the romance, parts of the country on the border with France are very fond of fondue and cheeses, in Ticino, the region is located not far from the border with Italy, you can try a lot, very similar to Italian Lomabrdi dishes, and in Graubyunden, region On the border with Germany, the kitchen is very reminded by German. All the Swiss are divided into potato lovers and everyone else :). So, Basel is on the border with France and Germany, so here you can taste the True Swiss-German-German-Ukrainian (although German dishes are prevailing here) Sulgable delights. Here you can try and fondue and sausages with beer!

First of all, familiarity with the Swiss cuisine in Basel is worth starting with dishes called Graben, it is served traditionally for breakfast, it reminds this dish something deunua - potatoes, boiled in a uniform, grated on the grater. From potatoes form pancake and fry in oil adding fillings to their taste, in Basel traditionally solids are prepared with a lot of onions. Try this dish advice in a small German restaurant Restaurant Rubino, which is located not far from the BankVerein Square. Design - in the style of minimalism, color furniture, wenge, and the walls of the room are painted with white paint, nevertheless the atmors make a very cozy breakfast for two will cost 15 euros, and for 40 euros you can dine very tightly together. Still in this institution it is worth trying a paste with seafood, the dish is rather Italian, but also very tasty!

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Another traditional Basel dish Schoggi WEGGLI (chocolate filling buns) is to taste in the restaurant Holzofenbackeri Bio Andrea Markplatz. It is generally served excellent baking and not at all traditional Italian pizza. If you believe the staff, then dishes are all prepared from environmentally friendly products. The restaurant has a very dear courtyard, in which you can sit to drink coffee with a bun or even lunch pizza. Address of establishment SchneiderGasse 27

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If dessert, cookies, croissants want, and of course chocolate, then you should go to the Bachmann confectionery shop, located on the Marktplatz, right in the city center. Address Gerbergasse 51. Prices Here are certainly a bit not sweet, Croissant for example is about 2 euros, curly cookies about 4 euros per 100 grams, and a box of swiss chocolate in a gift package about 10 euros.

You can taste the exquisite French-Swiss cuisine at the Brasserie Les Trois Rois restaurant. This institution is located in a very picturesque place and the terrace opens a magnificent view of the Rhine. A place for so much popular that sometimes you have to order a table, because there are no free places, but it is worth it. Prices are high enough, but even this does not affect popularity, so for example, dinner for two will cost approximately 120 euros. It is here that it is worth trying the Emmental and Gruyer cheese of Emmental. Lovers of acute can enjoy freebier fondue.

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The atmosphere is very refined here, so the coaching dress and costume do not interfere.

If you want to eat tasty, but spend less and sit in Dali from the noisy city center, then it's worth sitting on the tram number 8, drive to Claraptac and go to the French restaurant with the Nephrantsus name Zur Rebe. Walls are decorated with wood, the style of the English club of the early 19th century. Here you should taste a beef in a mushroom sauce, just losing my fingers. Yes, and prices compared to other Basel restaurants are pleased to be pleasantly happy, it is possible to dine well for 45 euros.

You can feel the real British atmosphere. Of course, it is possible to visit the UK, and the pubs are better visited in Ireland, but you can drink good beer in the British atmosphere in Basel, in the Pub Mr. Pickwick pub. It serves a good fresh cold beer (especially bright unfiltered) and it's just a great place to spend time with friends. Although it is a pub, so their specialization drinks, but dishes and service here, too, at the height. Food Here is English, Burgers with beer is just super. Here there are a lot of local and apparently there are a lot of regular customers here, the waiters know them in the face and without unnecessary words bring "as usual."

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