Is it worth going to Negril?


Contrary to the opinion of many who believe that the main resort on Jamaica is Montego Bay, it seems to me that nevertheless Negril is a more decent and comfortable place for a full-fledged, both beach and outdoor activities. More than 11 kilometers of the idyllic sandy sand beach surrounded by a rapid green greenery, washed with a clear blue water, rightly considered one of the cleanest beaches in the world. Yes, by the way, in the sand that the beach of Negril is suiced, there is one unique feature, even on the hottest days, the sand does not heat up to the condition of the hot, which only adds comfort to rest. His story as a resort, leads from relatively recent times. Initially, this place was chosen by Hippie and Rasstamanov and for a long time behind him was the glory of the most informal deceit on Jamaica, but when the era of "children of flowers" went to the decline in Negril began to actively invest like the Government of Jamaica, and third-party investors, and now it is modern Resort, with good infrastructure and hotels for every taste, from elite, to the most budget. A lot of guest houses for quite "funny" money. Many hotels have special clubs for children, and practically everyone has well-equipped playgrounds.

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Of course, the main on Negrile is the beach and everything that is around it, cafe, restaurants with a variety of cuisine, water sports and diving centers.

In general, the beaches of Negril, this is a paradise for diving and dish fans, because the amazing beauty of corals grow near the coast, and the water world is surprisingly colorful and bright. The depths here are shallow, the sea is warm, there are excellent visibility on the reefs, it also adds attractiveness. To finally finish the subject of diving, it is worth saying that divers and snorkels in the Negril district often meet Cayman turtles, rods, dolphins and large eels.

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Nature and the sea, it is certainly good, but the advantages of Negril are not limited to this. The main thing, in my opinion, is an amazing friendliness of local residents, the life of which is largely related to tourists, and they value the fact that tourists are the main source of income. Agree, it rarely where to meet.

Once in Negrile, simply can not be visited by local iconic places. There are quite a lot of them and they are all within walking distance. Having visited the Negril Lighthouse, built at the end of the 19th century you can enjoy unique natural landscapes, and the divers will certainly like the caves in the grotto in front of the lighthouse, let them surveys already repeatedly, still the feeling of the discoverer remain strong. Great Palm Reserve (area of ​​more than 150 hectares) and Maifield Waterfall are suitable for walking and picnics. On the territory of Poche Palm Palm Parm, you can see more than 300 fauna representatives, including rare reptiles and more than 150 species of various plants. And at the Mainefield Waterfall, you can have a great time to spend not only admiring the falling flows of water, but also learn how to prepare local dishes or learn a couple of national dances. Lovers of fishing will be able to assess the campaign for Barrags who live in abundance near Treshur Reef, which is not far from Negril.

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Rich in Negrile and nightlife, for there are constantly undergoing all sorts of musical festivals Reggae, SKA, Dub and other destinations, often perform musical groups from Kinston and other cities of the island. If you want a drive, then you should go to huge areas with electronic music recognized all over the world, and on which the American talk show of the musical format is removed.

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But historical excursions in Negrile, practically no. But on the other hand, they don't go here. Here is the beach, the sea, comfort and noisy parties.

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