What is worth viewing in Palma de Majorca? The most interesting places.


Actually, to be honest, in order to inspect all the sights of the island of Mallorca, who is the largest of all islands of the Balearic Archipelago, will need to live here at least a month. Therefore, in order to decide on those interesting places that can be seen in three days and at the same time, taking into account the fact that half a day you will spend on the beach, it is necessary, of course, make a specific route. First of all, it is worth paying attention to Palma de Majorca - the capital of the island, then visit the city of Soleer, which is located on the northern coast, along the way to make a tour of Valdemos, and drive along the way to Porto Cristo, where the famous Del Drak Cave is located.

In Palma de Mallorca, first of all, it is necessary to inspect his famous Cathedral of La Seu. Immediately after King Jaime won the Moors, he actually began the construction of this the main Christian temple on the island. Practical work was started back in 1229, but, unfortunately, construction took place for a very long time and the temple was completed only by the beginning of the seventeenth century. The earthquake later happened in the nineteenth century, the earthquake was strongly spoiled and the facade, and the interior of the cathedral, but at the same time he freed the place to ensure that the famous architect Antonio Gaudi fully showed his creative fantasy here.

What is worth viewing in Palma de Majorca? The most interesting places. 53791_1

Take to visit the Museum-Cathedral about an hour of time, and then you should move to the Royal Palace and at the same time the Museum of Palau del Almudain at the same time. In this palace in ancient times, the Moorish rulers of the island lived. However, King Heimime I completely redo the rest of the palace on his way, as a result of this, the palace is a completely charming mixture of Mauritanian and Aragon styles. Right to the Residence of the Royal Palace, the beautiful garden is adjacent, in which, if desired, can be hidden from the scorching heat.

When you leave the palace, immediately go deep into the maze of medieval streets of the palm trees, but at the same time do not forget carefully inspecting on the sides. You do not want to skip at least something from what you need to look at Mallorca. You will see the ancient Churches of Saint Eullalia, then Saint Francis and Vintage Arab Baths. On, collect all your hand in the fist, concentrate and go to the southwestern part of the city, there you need to visit Castelev de Bellver, in which the historical museum is located in our time.

On the second day you should take a bus ticket and go to the city of Port de Soleer. In this way, you will immediately see several sights - Valdemos village, Dapa's village and Tramuntana Mountains, which are just on the way out of Palma in Soler. The town itself is located in high shores right in the middle of the mountains. There must be unable to ride on small wooden trams, to visit the Cape the formenser and visit the Church of San Bartolome.

What is worth viewing in Palma de Majorca? The most interesting places. 53791_2

Visiting Valdemos village is worth doing on the way back. This is a mandatory point in the list of Majorca's attractions in particular for Polish and French tourists. But the thing is that, once in this village there were three wonderful unforgettable winter months, the famous French writer Georges Sand and the Polish composer Frederick Chopin. Take a look at the old monastery, which for some reason already in the nineteenth century was completely compiled by monks, and then turned into a hotel. There you will learn a lot of interesting details about this very unusual love story, as well as see the courtyard in which the most famous prelude Chopin number 5 "Rainfalls" was born.

If you are going to Majorca with children, then you must certainly visit the town of Porto Cristo with his seaside flavor, many fish taverns and the characteristic Mediterranean spirit. This will undoubtedly like both adults and children. Well, children will surely come delighted with a snake cave or as it is called at the local adveria Kava del Draq. In this cave, in addition to stalagmites with stalactites, there is an underground lake in which tourists usually ride boats under the light of torches.

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