When is it better to rest in Tikirov?


Despite the fact that Tekirova is the southernmost resort in the Kemer region and the most you can say distant from Antalya (I mean from those resorts, where the bulk of tourists are immigrants from the republics of the former USSR), the climate here is almost no different from other resorts Antalya district, and the season also begins in mid-April. The air temperature in the afternoon is quite high, which makes it safe to spend most of the free time on the beach. Of course, the weather can still give surprises in the form of rain, which happen right up until mid-May, and evenings are not hot until, especially when the breeze blows from the mountains, because at this time on the mountain of Tachthala, majestically laughs on the background of the village, it is snow and You can watch it until the end of June.

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The temperature of the water in the sea is only in May begins to roll over +20. But there are advantages at the beginning of the season, the main of which is the lower cost of the tickets, and in the case of independent rest, this is the price of living, which is also significantly lower than in the summer month. For recreation with children, April-May, in my opinion, is not the best time. Firstly, schoolchildren still learn, and for preschool children, it is probably so cool. Well at this time ride on excursions, such as Pamukkale or Demrem-Kekov, since it is not very hot and there is no partner, which in the next month I exhausts to such an extent that there is no interest in the remains of ancient cities.

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Not bad month for recreation is June. In the afternoon, it turns out more often for +30, but there is no stuff and bake. In the evening it becomes a little warmer, and the sea rises to a decent temperature and during the month it grows smoothly from +22 to +26 degrees. Prices are not yet maximum, so you can save a little in accommodation. If we talk about hotels, then by the middle of the month they are almost already filled with one hundred percent.

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The most popular months are July and August. I can not say what it is due, because it is in these months the air temperature rises to their maximum marks and does not rarely exceed +40. It is simply impossible to be in the premises without air conditioning, if the sea does not feel so much on the beach, then walking a little extinguish all the "delights '' of the summer heat. This is especially noticed while visiting various excursions. Honestly, from communication with tourists, I realized that interest is eighty of the holidays in July and August these are those who arrived for the first time on the Mediterranean coast or at all for the first time in Turkey. And the remaining twenty percent are lovers of beach charred. Because of the large influx of tourists, prices during this period of time are at the maximum mark. We are talking only about hotels and the private sector, on food or other goods it does not affect. Even on the contrary, I noticed a tendency of a slight decline in prices for excursions in these months, the truth is to explain with what this is connected I can not. It is possible that, due to high temperatures, tourists are not so willing to inspect local attractions, but prefer to spend time from the pools and on the beach. Many tourists at this time go to the beach in front of breakfast, when it is not so hot and then closer to the evening, after the heat begins to decline, and the rest of the time is spent in the room under the air conditioner, or in a bar for a glass of cold beer.

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The sea, especially in August, becomes an example of pair milk, as the water temperature comes to +30 degrees, which causes delight rather in children than in adults, who are on the contrary complaining that the sea does not save from hot air from which the protection is searched in water. And all this is accompanied without a single drop of rain. This temperature holds to about the middle of September, after which in my opinion, the most comfortable period for rest begins. Anomalous heat falls, the number of tourists decreases, especially with the children of school age, whose time the classes begin, becomes much quieter and calmer both in hotels and on the beach itself. This period, and it lasts until mid-October, is best suited for relaxing with young children in all respects. First calm, air temperature and sea temperature, which is held within + 26 + 27 degrees. Yes, and prices for accommodation from mid-September are significantly reduced, which you will not say about the prices for the tickets that tour operators continue to keep at the summer level. Apparently the velvet season is highly appreciated in the domestic tourist market.

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The summer season ends at the end of October, sometimes in early November. It all depends on the whims of the weather, although some hotels do not close and continue to work even in winter. The bulk of winter tourists is Germans and residents of other European countries that are quite satisfied with winter temperatures. And many resting retirement age spend here all the winter months. The Germans say they are cheaper to close an apartment in Germany and overwhelm in one of the hotels in Turkey. Municipal services in Europe in winter expensive and rest is cheaper. In addition, there are no concerns, got prepared, dishes removed and almost slept to sleep. At the same time there are quite warm days when you can roam and swim in the sea, because the water temperature in winter below +17 does not omit, and the air warms up to +22. In addition, in winter there is another plus from the rest. You can combine swimming in the sea with skiing. Before the nearest ski resort, Saklikent from Tekirova is less than a hundred kilometers.

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In a few words, I described those or other features of rest at various periods of time, and then everything depends on your desire and opportunity. But in any case, regardless of when you rest, the time spent at the Temirova resort will not be spent in a gift and takes you a lot of pleasure and positive.

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