Where is best to stay in Skadovsk?


For a budget vacationer in Skadovsk expathere. The private sector has a large variety of options. I will give only a few examples.

"Mikhailovna", Kommunarov Street 39, which is a few steps from the sea. Available there are several rooms for five, four, three and two places. Mining furniture, shared kitchen, facilities on the street. The cost of the peak of the season is 35 - 45 UAH / person.

Green Corner, Red Star Star 22, in the Oscar Supermarket area. Go to the beach 10-15 minutes in time. There are 2, 3, 4 and 5 local rooms with minimal amenities. The price for one place from June to August will be 30 - 50 hryvnia.

Danat, Chkalov Street 7, a hundred meters from the beach. This is a two-story hotel with numbers of various classes and a furnished area (there is parking, arbors, mangals, etc.). The price in the most inexpensive room will be 60-70 UAH / place. Suite rooms will cost 300 UAH / number.

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In general, if you summarize, then in the private sector, among inexpensive housing, pricing policy is approximately the same. Accommodation passes almost all locals. The average value of 40-50 hryvnia per person.

If you are considering accommodation options with high comfort, I will give a few examples.

The hotel complex "Studdle", the street of the Oktyabrskaya Revolution 3 (500 meters to the sea). The rooms are 2-room (cost 300 - 350 UAH), and one-bedroom apartments (cost 150 - 210 UAH).

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Recreation center "Primorye", Sadovaya Street 17. Located on the very seafront, close to the market. The cost of living with five-volume nutrition is 640 hryvnia / person, two-time - 510 UAH.

Hotel complex "Amalia", K. Liebknecht Street 2. Located on the embankment, not far from the sea. Standard room with all the amenities 280 UAH / day.

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