Which resort choose on Jamaica?


What comes to mind when you hear the word Jamaica? Of course, Bob Marley, Reggae, SKA, and more recently also a cheerful team of Jamaican bobsleists ... and that's it! Some kind of sad situation, because Jamaica, it is also a wonderful stay, which against the background of popular Cuba and Dominican Republic is in the shade, even despite the fact that all these countries are in the Caribbean or near him. True, it is only with us, because Americans and Canadians are very loved to rest here.

Beautiful beaches with white (in the north) and exotic black sand (in the south), waterfalls, fruit gardens, mountains, gorges, sources with mineral waters and rivers, all this configures arrivals on Jamaica to a full and very romantic way. But most importantly, this is the inhabitants of the island. Surprisingly open, friendly and friendly, that by the way sometimes begins to annoy, because there are moments when you want to relax in silence. Similarly, with music, reggae, SKA, Rugga, Dub, Calypso on the island everywhere, in hotels, on the street, on the beaches, in stores.

Jamaican resorts are very diverse, and here everyone can find exactly the rest, which he will have to do. What would have been an understanding, it makes sense to describe the main of them, allocate their features and advantages of each other.

Montego Bay. This resort is rightly considered the main on the island. Have you seen the island of a bounty in the advertisement of the chocolate of the same name? That's about the same looks and beaches in Montego Bay. Gorgeous snow-white beaches surrounded by juicy greenery create the impression that he is he paradise. But Paradise is not a serene and peaceful, but a cheerful and festive, for the number of entertainment establishments, night clubs and restaurants, creating a lot of festive atmosphere.

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This place will like the diving lovers, because a huge underwater park Aquasol is located very close to Monte Bay, a very popular place among fans of this type of outdoor activities. And it is here that the famous Beach Club Doctors-Keive, which became such thanks to the coral reef nearby.

Negril. Amazing a place that reminds of the history of Jamaica. Houses of colonizers, old forts who saw pirated raids, planter houses, and all this is not far from clean beaches with amazingly transparent water. It is here that the most modern hotels and the most fashionable nightclubs of the island are concentrated. The place is perfect, as for those who love to hang out and for those who want to safely relax with children. Previously, Negril was the place of challenged hippie and all sorts of rastafarians, but now this is a place for an elite, but relative to the budget holiday.

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Ocho Rios. A small, but very distinctive bay with small fishing villages, in small villages drowning in greenery, among mountain peaks. A place in which a huge number of films was filmed and where the beach of James Bond was located, who inspired Fleming on writing books about Supeert. Great place to understand what real Jamaica is. And by the way, the favorite place of nudists from all over the world. So if with children, then not here.

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By the way, Ocho Rios, thanks to a large number of shops and shopping centers, a great place for shopping. 100 percent that you will leave here in a T-shirt with Bob Marley, and even in shorts with his face. Although ... on Jamaica Bob Marlley is present everywhere, and in all horseship.

In general, Jamaica is good because it is not only a beach holiday, and in general, the rest is not connected here only with the Caribbean Sea. Here you can spend very good time playing golf, because the number of high-class fields is sufficient to accept lovers of this sport from around the world. You can go on an excursion to the blue mountains, ride horses or mold on the Marta River Brare on a rubber boat or, more interesting, on the real Indian raft. And if you want more stories, it is necessary to visit Kingston, the capital of Jamaica with its unique historical center, in many respects preserved since the times of British colonization, museums of historical and armed forces, as well as a surprisingly beautiful Botanic garden Caslon.

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A separate line is worth highlighting a national cuisine, combining the traditions of British, Spanish, Chinese, African and Indian cuisines. Very exotic, but with delicious mixing. Filled with exotic and combines the traditions of Spanish, African, Indian, English and Chinese cuisine. The basis of most dishes is goat (!!!) meat and ham, which is served with a side dish from beans prepared in different ways or rice. Popular seafood dishes prepared by numerous recipes. But that's what you need to try, it's a jerk. This meat is pickled in a special marinade on an ancient Indian recipe and cooked on an open fire, with the fire give lamps from the Pimeto tree, which gives meat a special fragrance.

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Well, it is possible to drink all this by the famous Jamaican Roma, Cabin Blue Mountain or Coconut Milk.

By the way, you can go to Jamaica in a combined round. Half holidays on Jamaica, the second half in Cuba or Dominican, for to get that one island, which is not so difficult for others, and visas for Russian citizens are not required anywhere.

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