When is it better to relax in Croatia?


In Croatia, you can fly at any time of the year, here is a very soft Mediterranean climate, but everything will depend on the preferences of the tourist. Of course, the best time is when you can swim in the Adriatic Sea, sunbathe in the sun, spend your holidays with benefit, and not walk in the rain and do not hide from a strong wind.

If there is a desire to get to the best time when there is no big flux of tourists, strong heat, but the sea is ready for swimming, then the end of May and September will be a good time. However, the following temperature should be taken into account: In May, the average air temperature will be in the area +23 ... + 25 degrees, at night +18 ... + 21, and water temperature in the sea is about +19. May Month for those who do not like a strong heat, is interested in the excursion program, and also wants to save themselves in a ticket. With children, it is unlikely that at this time will be comfortable, because at night there can still be somewhat cool, and the sea has not yet been warm up.

September - the velvet season in Croatia. The average air temperature is about +25, at night + 21, water in the sea +25. This is a great time to travel with young children, for the elderly, and for all other categories of tourists who like a moderately hot climate. In most cases, this applies to the middle and southern Dalmatia, with the North it is necessary to be careful, because after September 15, it can become strongly cool.

June is a good month for visiting Croatia, tourists have not yet much, but the most real summer has already begun. Temperature day +25 ... + 28, at night +20 ... + 23, however, the sea still did not warm up about +21. However, prices are already starting to seriously increase compared with May ash.

The most influx of tourists occurs in July and August, usually at this time the highest prices and more tourists. For families with children, the best period comes, air temperature +28 ... + 32, at night +25 ... + 28, the sea is already very warm +26.

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