What is worth viewing in Cordove? The most interesting places.


Cordoba (or Cordoba) is an ancient city in the south of Spain, in the province of Andalusia.

The city was founded at the time of rule of Rome, so his story has several millennia. At the moment, Cordoba is the middle city in Spain (its population is about 300 thousand people).

For a long time, Cordoba was under the rule of Arabs and was part of the so-called Cordic Caliphate, so the city's testimony was preserved in the city.

Roman Most

In the heart of the city, there is a Roman bridge, which was built by the ancient Romans before our era and served for trade. The bridge was very important, since it joined the banks of the Guadalquivir River (on which Cordoba was built).

Currently, the bridge is closed to the movement of cars, it refers to a pedestrian zone.

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Tower of Calaorra and Museum of Three Cultures

The Arabic monuments include primarily the Kalaorra Tower, which was built for the defense of the city. It is a sample of the Islamic architecture of the 12th century. Nowadays, the Museum of Three Cultures (Muslim, Christian and Jewish) is located in the tower. In the museum you can see the buildings of different times, learn how the cultures are buntered and what they influenced each other. The museum's exposition has layouts and modern 3D installations that help to plunge into the long-lasting world. The tower is open to a visit from Monday to Sunday, from October 1 to April 30, it is open to a visit from 10 am to 6 pm, and from May 1 to September 31, it can be found from 10 to 14 and from 16:30 to 20:30 . A ticket to the museum is 4, 5 euros for an adult visitor, 3 euros for students (students or schoolchildren) and pensioners. The entrance to the museum for children under 8 years is free.

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Alcazar or the Royal Residence is a monument of both Muslim and Christian culture.

Alcazar was built by Muslims who built it as a quaifer residence and at the same time as a defensive structure. Then, over time, Alcazar was partially destroyed. When the Arabs were expelled from these territories, Alcazar was interested in the Spanish kings, which made this place with their residence. In the 14th century, he was almost completely rebuilt by the king of Alfonso. It was at that time he acquired his modern appearance. In the Middle Ages, Spanish kings lived in the palace, later the castle was convened to prison, which existed until the middle of the 20th century. Then Alcazar was recognized as a cultural object and transferred to the city. Currently, Cordin Alcazar is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site.

Now he is a museum in which you can admire the fragments of the Muslim fortress, as well as mosaics. In the inside of the complex are gardens with pools and fountains.

From October 1 to May 31, Alcazar can be visited from Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 20:00, on Saturdays it opens an hour later - from 9:30. On Sunday and holidays, you can get there from 8:30 to 14:30. From June 16 to September 31, the complex is open to a visit from 9 to 20:00 from Monday to Saturday and from 8:30 to 14:30 on Sundays. From June 1 to 15, Alcazar is closed for visiting.

The entrance ticket will cost 4, 50 euros for adult, 2, 25 for a student. Entrance for children up to 13 years old is free.

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A mosque is located in the historic center of the city, which from the 13th century is called the Cathedral of St. Mary. The building is a mixture of elements of Muslim and Christian architecture. The mosque was built in the 8th century on the site of the Roman Temple. Later she was completed and rebuilt. After Cordova moved to the power of Christians, the mosque became the Christian church, and from the minaret made a bell tower. The Christian Cathedral was built in the Gothic style with Baroque elements.

Thus, the Cordic Mosque is the synthesis of various architectural styles.

The cathedral is also a collection of ritual accessories, which are used during the Christian holidays. Among them are crosses, bowls and dishes made of precious metals and richly decorated. Also, the treasures include the Darmence of the Body of Christ, which to this day is used in church rituals and rites.

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The synagogue in Cordoba is the only synagogue in the south of Spain, which came to the present day. It was built in the 14th century at the time of the domination of Christians, and is located next to the Jewish quarter. Later, the synagogue was turned into a Catholic church, and then used as a hospital. In the 20th century, the synagogue was recognized as a historical monument. This building is built in the style of Mudjar (which is a mixture of styles).

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Museum of Corrida

In Cordoba, there is also a museum dedicated to Corrida. In it, you can inspect the exhibits related to the Corrida (equipment, equipment) and things belonging to the famous Torreo, one way or another associated with this city. Among the exhibits of the museum are the costumes of Matadorov, posters, sculptures and photos. Part of the exhibition is devoted to one of the most famous Toroo Cordoba and the whole Spain - manollet.

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Museum of Fine Arts

The museum was founded in the 19th century. It was created on the basis of art items confiscated from various monasteries after their destruction. At the moment, the Museum of Fine Arts has large collections of painting, sculptures, graphics. Basically, the exposition consists of cloths of Spanish artists, whose creativity belongs to the periods of Baroque and Renaissance. In addition, the museum has a collection of sculptures. It also presents a collection of graphics, the highlight of which are the works of Francisco Goya.

From January 1 to June 15 and from September 16 to December 31, the museum can be visited from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 20:30. On Sunday and holidays, it is open to a visit from 10 to 17 hours. On Mondays the museum is closed. From June 16 to September 15, the exposition can be visited from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 to 17 hours. Entrance for citizens of the European Union is free, for all other - a half euros.

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