What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port?


Many tourists traveling to the Iron Port of course do not even expect that there you can visit interesting as natural and architectural sights. Of course, in the very village of nothing like that, but since the tourist business does not stand still, and the requests of tourists are all growing every year, in the village there are more and more organizers of both group and individual trips around the iron port in the settlement. As it turned out, who is looking for will always find, but in general the village continues to live his drive nightlife and lazy rest on the beach.

If you treat yourself to the number of holidaymakers who love to combine pleasant with useful, I suggest familiarizing yourself with interesting places that you can visit on your own by car, individually with the local guide taxi driver or with a little excursion.

The most interesting excursions from the Iron Port

- Forecast Palanik Zaporizhzhya Sich, XVIII century, p. Heroian (forecast) - The village is located 92 km from the iron port on the shores of the Dnieper Gulf, not far from the National Park "Belobsen Svyatoslav". The predained Palanik of the Zaporizhzhya Schashy was in action until 1769 and performed the function of the protection of Zaporizhia Salpromyslov. Later, the Chernomors Cossacks in the Black Sea Cossacks. The villages are the ruins of the Temple of the Kazan Icon of God's Mother of God, as well as the oldest stone Cossack cross of 1769.

- The remains of Zubreyvsky Fortress, the XVIII century, p. Old Zubrievka. - It is located in almost 50 km from the Iron Port, in a picturesque place where the Dnieper flows into the bay, here in 1774 the general forces of the Russian soldiers and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are built a system of fortifications of the Kinburn Bridgehead. The fortress has repeatedly visited Alexander Suvorov. Nowadays, only remnants of earthy fortress shafts have been preserved.

- Assumption Church, 1869, p. New Zubrievka - Not far from s. Old Zubrievka is the church built in the style of late classicism. The valuable icons of the late 19th century are preserved.

- Church of St. George, 1905 - 1912, with Small Kardashinka - Almost 60 km north of the rail port is located a picturesque village. In addition to the church, erected by the traditions of Moscow architecture of the 17th century, there is a complex of family recreation and fishing Eco-Park "Soshovogo". If you wish to relax well, gust, you can safely dedicate one day a trip to the eco park.

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_1

Park reservoirs are sissed by carp, a thick carp and white Amur. Entry to the territory is paid and amounts to 30 UAH. / Man. If you wish, you can pick up 20 UAH / kg, or directly prepare on the grill. In this case, one day you can rent a house with all conditions of about 100 UAH / person. If you arrived without gear, it is not trouble, they can also be rented - 20 UAH / person. As you can see, the day can be enlightening very interesting, for an additional fee, horses walks for an additional fee, there is a nice beach at the lake and the playground. You can also visit the Museum of Living History "Oleshye", here if you wish, you can shoot from Luke, to throw knives, taste the medieval kitchen and learn many interesting facts about the Slavs.

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_2

- Rip Fals - Fayne family, 1900, p. Novocornel - It is 23 km from the village of Iron Port. The construction of the crypt is subsidized in 1900 and is made in the architectural forms of modern. Falk Faine, known as the founder of the Askania-Nova reserve, built on the mound from the Round Lake Mausoleum with the Orthodox chapel, in which his wife Sofia Stepanovna was buried. Unfortunately, it was looted in the 30s of the last century, now its ruins are preserved.

- The tract "Bald Nora", p. Novocornel - Approximately 24 km from the village of Iron Port, there is a group of kurgans of the Bronze Age era. Place interesting for archaeologists and historians.

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_3

- Black Sea Biosphere Reserve - Located 56 km from the village, the purpose of creating a protected zone in 1927 was the study of the nature of the grassland of the Dnieper and the Black Sea coast. The territory of the reserve includes tendrovskaya and kinburn braids, as well as in the yagullytsky corner. The main inhabitants of the reserve are deer, foxes, roebles, badgers, tushkars, dicks, steppe viper and others. Types of animals. In the spring period, up to 280 species of birds arrive in the spring, among which many are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, among them there are gray geese, swans, herons, martines, kelits, owls, Ogara.

The islands of Orlov, Babin, resisoned - this is the only place of mass nesting in Ukraine in Ukraine.

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_4

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_5

- Biosphere Reserve "Askania-Nova" them. Friedrich Fals-Faine, PGT. Askania-Nova. - It is located 220 km from s. Iron port, one of the most interesting excursion programs, albeit very distant. We recommend everyone in the reserve, after all, here animals live in a natural environment and can be directly observed in the way their lives. The presence of two parks and the whole steppe are more than 700 species of plants, 45 species of ungulates and more than 70 species of birds live.

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_6

- iodo-bromide source "Geyser" - 35 km from the village of Iron Port on the banks of the Tenndrovskaya Bay in 2005, it is open and equipped with a hot source for vacationers. On the territory there are paid baths, two with hot water, and one with therapeutic mud. It can be said that this is still the most popular tour of tourists, leaving in the village. Although in the summer time to sit in the bathing baths + 45-50 degrees, pleasure is very dubious, a great time to come here - Spring or autumn.

What excursions should be visited in the Iron Port? 5315_7

- Walking on a high-speed boat - gaining more and more popularity, vacationers are given the opportunity to visit the Black Sea Reserve of the Closed Type, the island of Tenndrovskaya Spit, the island of Dzharlgach. Morning and evening fishing in the open sea, riding on a rope, tablet and banana.

- Horse riding - Of course, there is no beautiful species to expect, but the endless expanses of the steppe behind the village are just fascinating, you can walk to the Lake Cefalnoe, and back will return the shore of the sea, which can be a romantic walk along the water edge.

In the Iron Port, each rest will find something for himself, but in its experience of rest here, I want to notice that few people interested excursions, people came to just lie on the beach, and did not even know that there were such interesting places around.

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