What should I see in the crust? The most interesting places.


Cob / Cobh.

What should I see in the crust? The most interesting places. 52915_1

In the southeastern part of the wonderful Irish city of Cork, there is a large island, on the coast of which is the port of Kob. Many consider this city with young, but in any case, this is a very interesting place. Previously, the city was called COB, but on the occasion of the arrival in the local seats of Queen Victoria, in 1849, the city was renamed Queenstown. From here we sent prisoners to Australia, so in the interval from 1848 to 1950, more than six million immigrants left Ireland. And about 2.5 million decided to go looking for a new, better life. Previously, the port performed his direct tasks, and today, this is the refuge of the yacht club of the crust.

In the building of the urban station, there is a multimedia exhibition, which was devoted to the history of the city. The train station itself, built in the Victorian style, which also represents some interest. But this is not all, since the famous Irish festival passing in the city is of the greatest interest.

Every year, the folklore dance festival is held here, which lasts as many as seven days. Throughout the time, various dance groups of the whole world participate in celebrations, and the dances that take place at night are attracting almost all visitors to the festival. Bright shows, enchanting dances, music, pouring flows from all sides - this is the true value of the cob.

Liquor-vodka plant Old Middleton.

What should I see in the crust? The most interesting places. 52915_2

Liquor-vodka plant, located just a few kilometers from the crust, and manufactures amazing drinks, which have long been known all over the world - Paddy and Powers and Jameson. But it is unlikely that anyone knows that they are manufactured in Ireland. For true Irish, good quality products is a matter of principle, and this applies not only to alcoholic beverages, but also all products, including clothing.

The Murphy Brothers, who organized a business for the production of beverages at the beginning of the 19th century, immediately gained popularity, and over the next one and a half years, it was near the crust, the most famous alcohol varieties were made.

Currently, everyone can go through the historical center on their own, or visit one of the excursion programs. It was attending the plant again presented the life of this structure. You can see a huge Chan, lintel rooms, wheels that served to supply water, various utility rooms that are involved in the process of cooking whiskey.

The Irish is called the whiskey uisce beatha, this name is considered traditional. Traveling all visitors, ends in Jenson Bar, where everyone can spend a tasting of several varieties.

After that, each wishes can look into the store, which offers about 25 varieties of whiskey. You can buy a bottle of whiskey yourself, or as a souvenir.

Address: Middleton, Cork, Ireland.

Shender tower.

Shender's tower, many are known as the Church of St. Anne. This is a very popular place that is in the historic cultural zone of the crust. Local residents call the church - four faces of the liar, because on each side of the tower, the clock shows, it would seem different time. In fact, the time is the same, just the clocks of the clock are made of different materials, and differ in thickness, because of this, the time seems different.

Translated, Shender - means the old fort, because the church itself is located on the site of the fort. The tower, with its eight bells, is considered a symbol of the city of Cork. But the tower is very unusual outwardly than and attracts the attention of tourists. The two sides of the tower are white, and the rest are two - red. The spire of the tower, which consists of a small square of square sizes, which is crowned with a lantern. Over the lantern is installed vane and the form of gold salmon - one of the favorite dishes of local residents - smoked salmon.

Cathedral of St. Finbarra.

What should I see in the crust? The most interesting places. 52915_3

The cathedral was built at the end of the 19th century, and today it is a vivid example of French gothic, because Architect William Berjes built him.

An excellent three-way cathedral is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings not only in the crust, but in all Ireland. One of the features of the cathedral, are excellent stained glass windows that display various scenes from the Old and New Testaments, as well as a unique marble mosaic from the Pyrenees. The altar depicts Christ surrounded by angels, and all the inner decoration of the cathedral is decorated with many sculptures and carvings.

Previously, on the territory of the Cathedral of St. Finbarra, the old church was located, from which the bells were switched to today's cathedral.

Municipal art gallery of the Kroka.

What should I see in the crust? The most interesting places. 52915_4

The gallery began to take visitors back in 1724. Over time, the building took place through many restructuring, because of what, today, a combination of various premises, gives the gallery a fairly unusual appearance. New complementary premises are attached to the construction of some individuality, and light effects and combinations turn the gallery into something extraordinary.

Tourists opens a unique opportunity, to get acquainted with the art of modern Ireland. The gallery exhibits are not only the canvas, but also the sculptures of the famous creators of the country. Separate attention deserve a collection of antique art, many of which were found during excavations on the local territories.

In addition to the above-mentioned attractions of the city, I was interested to visit the harbor of Cork, where various strengthening of different times were still preserved; City prison, which was distinguished by just the terrifying conditions for the detention of criminals; Crosshaven is a great place to hold a weekend on pure sandy beaches; Vintage powder mills Balinkollig, dated 1794th year; Museum of Cork, representing interesting expositions related to the history of the entire region, and amazing with its numerous objects of excavations.

For lovers of natural beauty, it is worth visiting the island of Fota, which is connected to the crust of the bridge. In this unique park of wildlife, various representatives of the fauna and feathers live, among which are zebras, monkeys, antelopes, giraffes. And in general, this is a very beautiful landscape place in which a variety of samples of flora from around the world are collected.

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