Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists.


Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_1

Since the ancient times, Jordan Manila, admired and fascinated travelers. In 2010, Jordan visited more than 8 million tourists from different countries. Jordan is historical monuments, beach holidays, treatment on the dead sea, natural reserves and much more.

The official name is the Jordanian Hashemte Kingdom. The head of the state is the king. Management type - constitutional monarchy.

Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_2


Jordan is an Arab country, which is located in the Middle East, has marine borders and a 26 km long coastline. The total area of ​​the country is 92 thousand Mostly, the territory of Jordan is occupied by hill - deserted anhydrous plateau, the western part is more hilly, there are rivers, including the famous Jordan River on the border of Israel and Jordan. The highest point of Jordan is Mount Jabal Ram, 1734 m, and the Dead Sea forms a deepest depression - 487 m below the world's ocean.

The biggest cities are the capital of Jordan Amman, the city of Irbid and the Zarka in the north of the country.

Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_3


In Jordan, you can relax all year round. Due to the location of the country, there may be large temperature differences (in the afternoon and in the evening). In the deserts and mountains, even in the summer, a warm jumper may need.


Official language - Arabic. But since Jordan is a rather civilized country, then in business circles, government and simply among educated people are common English. Arabic and English are mandatory for studying in Jordan's schools. Also quite a large number of people speak French. You can meet Russian-speaking Jordanians.

Several phrases

I believe that before a trip to someone else's country, you just need to learn several phrases. It is better that these are phrases of politeness and good wishes, they will suit you more than the ability to count. These phrases have people, make them benevolent and welly. Although it is very difficult to make Jordanza friendly - they are glad and so on top!

Hello - Marhaba

Goodbye - Ma'assalam

Thank you - Sheukran

Please - min Fadlak (when handling a man); Min Fadlik (when contacting a woman)

Not for that - Afvan

What is your name? - Shu Ismek?

Sorry - 'en Ines

Barakallahi Fikum - Allah bless you

Jazzaka-Llaha Hyran - yes you will be reputed to Allah Bent


Jordanian Dinar (JOD) is the National Currency of the Kingdom. In 1 dinar 100 piastra or 1000 phils. But inflation makes his business and phils practically disappear from everybody. You can exchange money at the airport, in the hotel, bank and changeable offices. 1 dinar = 1, 4 US dollars. Credit card can be paid in the hotel, restaurant and large stores. But most local prefer cash.

Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_4

Telephone communications

To call from Jordan to Russia, you need to dial the code 007. It is better to use local operators, but now Russian cellular companies offer rather favorable rates in roaming. To call any city of Jordan, you can use telephone directories that are produced in two languages ​​- Arabic and English


Local time lags behind Moscow for one hour. In Jordan, arrows of the clock twice a year (winter and summer time), so in summer the difference in Moscow time is two hours

Working days

Day off - Friday. Public institutions, banks, commercial institutions do not work on Saturday. Also, some institutions may not work with after-dinner Thursday. Small shops, souvenir shops and large supermarkets work without days off.


Jordan is a Muslim country, but in major cities most people prefer the European style of clothing. Despite this, women are not recommended to dress defiantly. Short skirts, open T-shirts and shorts Leave at home, even in beach tourist zones they will be inappropriate. Frank swimsuits are also not worth dressing. For traveling through Jordan, regardless of the floor, you will need: Strong shoes (most excursions are stones, rocks and sand) - the legs need to be protected, the clothing of sports type and the covered shoulders - on sunny days, which there is a merry, merry.


Jordanians love to eat very much. Jordanian cuisine has its own face. And this face is oriental sweets and kebab! And, of course, hookah.

Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_5

Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_6

Restaurants with European cuisine can be found in large cities and resort areas. Power in Jordan is absolutely safe and not fraught with intestinal infections. Alcoholic beverages of local and imported production are sold freely, except for the month of Muslim post. I highly recommend trying local wine.

What will bring

Well, of course - the cosmetics of the Dead Sea! But not only. Bottles with multi-colored sand from Petra, jewelry, ceramics, crafts from olive tree, copper dishes, Bedouin decorations. In Jordan, very little "stamping" as in Turkey or in Egypt. There are many "handmade" - unique and exclusive products. Naturally, we are not talking about tourist areas.

Useful information about the holiday in Jordan. Tips for experienced tourists. 52765_7

Of course, all the nuances can not be taken into account, but there should be no problems with an independent tourist or a novice traveler. You just need to be friendly and open person, and the locals will always help you and take care of your comfort. After all, the guest in the east is the Holy!

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