The most interesting excursions in Jordan? What should I see?


This is a Muslim monarchical country with secular laws. Here a woman-adjustor woman easily copes with a car traffic jam. The local population is Arabs, formed and self-satisfied with their own dignity. This is the Khistrist kingdom. This is Jordan!

The time of centuries of tourists pulled in Jordan as a magnet due to the location of one of the beautiful and mysterious places here. But it would be wrong to think that this is the only sight of this amazing country.


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The city of Giddely and magnificently spread on the hills as applies to the capital. By the way, he was always the capital - the names of the states and the name of the city itself changed, but his main city status never changed. If you want to get acquainted with archaeological finds, to inspect the ruins of the old city, the ancient amphitheater (quite well preserved), the citadel, the Temple of Hercules and much more - Welcome to Amman. This city is the cultural capital. Here are museums, gallery, craft workshops. Ammanza are quite educated and very hospitable people. Despite its age, the capital of Amman is very modern, with all attributes: business centers, expensive shops, car traffic jams. A large number of attractions and the development of the tourist infrastructure makes Amman attractive to the traveler.


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This is a seaside resort. Here you can find both first-class hotels and cheap hostels, but Nature and the magnificent underwater world of the Red Sea is one for everyone. Aqaba is a paradise for divers, fishermen and lovers to be sought on the beach. Moderate climate and soft seashests created an excellent atmosphere for the development of underwater flora and fauna. Indescribable coral reefs, dolphins, turtles, flocks of various fish in various colors and bizarre forms - all this will not leave anyone indifferent. There is a large number of dive centers in Aqaba, including Russian-speaking staff. You will help to master this amazing type of swimming - diving, when at the depth you become our among the inhabitants of the underwater world. For lovers of history, there will also be curious places - the oldest in the world, a specially constructed church, the old Fort Mamluk, the Saladin fortress. From Aqaba, it is also convenient to organize a trip to the Wadi-Rama desert, the distance is quite small.


This city is mentioned several times in the book book book. This is the city of Mozaic. Here is the church of St. George, the floor of which covers the map of Jerusalem and the Holy Earth, made of mosaic.

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With all the beauty of the Byzantine and Omeyad Mosaic, you can enjoy in the Archaeological Museum and in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Apostles. Flowers, plants, birds, animals, mythological plots - all this is laid out of small multicolored pieces. The painstability and complexity of this work amazing imagination. The number of fragmented mosaics is great, they literally all Madaba sleeping in the literal sense. Well, that is surprising - this is Christian churches - after all, we are located in the state where the overwhelming part of the population professes Islam.


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This is perhaps the most recognizable place of Jordan. You can talk about this ancient city for a long time, but even longer they can be admired. This is the capital of the Nabatie state - Peter. It was a thriving city, founded in the 6th century BC. The last mention refers to the 11th century, and then only the legends went about it. Basically, these were stories about inconspicable treasures. He opened it anew in 1812 Orientalist Johann Ludwig Burkhardt Swiss origin. And since then, Peter has become one of the most visited places on Earth and the face of Jordan. You can fall in love with Peter, you will come back here again and again, because it is not enough to get all its paths, the catches and the downgrades and the year. Peter is the city of Necropolis, the city of the dead, the lost city in the sands, in which you feel very comfortable and calm.


This is the second most popular city of Jordan after Peter. Jerash is an ancient Roman city, the first mention of which is dated 2000 years before our era. In 747, a strong earthquake occurred to our era, which almost destroyed the city. Opened anew it was only 1806. Even then he was not touched, but after a few years it began to settle people and began to settle stones to build houses. Of course, this is barbarism, but actually the stones have become thes for which they are intended. Almost everything that tourist can now see is restored facilities. The restoration in this case was to return the stones to its rightful place. But this is still not the primary jerash. Although it is necessary to pay tribute to the local authorities: the Triumphal Arch of Adrian, the hippodrome, the southern and northern city gates, the temple of Zeus, the temple of Artemis and much more look quite naturally.

The most interesting excursions in Jordan? What should I see? 52764_5

Dead Sea

The first mention of this miracle of nature belongs to 2 century of our era. The name happened from an increased salt content, in which no form of life is impossible there. But in recent years, scientists revealed several types of organisms that are capable of living in such a concentrated environment. The most common advertising of the Dead Sea is a person who lies on the water (or sits) and at the same time reads a book or newspaper. When you see it in the picture, you can not believe your eyes, but it is really possible. Come and see for yourself. Skin and joint disease, bronchitis, respiratory tract, nervous diseases are just a small list of ailments that can cure rest at this resort. Hotels and hotels are located in which you will be offered a full range of wellness, medical and cosmetic procedures.

The most interesting excursions in Jordan? What should I see? 52764_6

Jordan is an excellent country for self-journey. Greetings and friendliness of the local population, a large number of the most ancient attractions, a magnificent beach vacation and the opportunity to improve health - all this you will find here!

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