Useful information about the holidays on Bali. Tips for experienced tourists.


I would like to write a couple of useful tips for those who are going to Bali.

Small thieves

Particularly tourist beach zones in the south and Ubud on the hills - the most "thieves" places. Especially much of the attention of the thiefs are directed to representatives of the weak gender and after the occurrence of darkness. Thieves, as a rule, ride the motorcycles and pull the bag from the shoulder of any suspect sacrifice. If you clung to the bag tightly, then it is likely that you will be shifted on the road or overturned, or even knock.

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So, it is better to immediately let go of the bag, climb and buy a new one. Somewhere I read that Americans feel more security, dropping late in Brooklyn (and there, between those, not very calmly), rather than after the onset of darkness in Ubud. I'm clone to the fact that travelers should be careful during walking in the evenings.

- Bag or wallet should be kept on the shoulder, which is away from the road and moving transport. Use pedestrian tracks if there are such.

- Assign a backpack instead of a bag on the shoulder, despite the fact that it may seem to be unmodest (in fact, the last couple of years is very even fashionable).

- The guest house / hotel / Villa is worth using a safe if it is.

- Do not leave laptops and expensive smartphones on the bedside table in the room.

"If you see that you are robbed, the easiest way to get rid that you sleep." Honest word - do not risk the fight against thieves, will be healthier.

-When you go somewhere, always check that all windows and doors are locked - this is actually a problem, since the villas on Bali are often not secured by a sufficient level of security.

- Do not carry with you all credit cards or cash.

Yes, and in general, try simply not to take the most valuable things. Do you really need a laptop and an expensive necklace on Bali?

If you are going to turn after theft to the police, then the day you will delay specifically. At least two hours. You will sit in the jammed rooms, on the half-smiled chairs and try to express themselves with the polismen that speak English. It is likely that in its protocol they will allow mistakes (they can easily indicate that you were killed, so if you follow later with these documents, say, to the bank, complete whistle will begin).

"Cunning" drinks.

In the media periodically covers stories about tourists who drank some kind of liquor and after him died or darken. This is, in fact, the sadly common problem in Indonesia.

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Stories about how local residents die or be blinded - no uncommon. Unfortunately, there are two main possible scenarios: either liquid (usually Arak) was incorrectly distilled (somewhere in the backyard, of course) and therefore contained methanol, or the drink was stuffed with drugs to deal with the drinking.

The easiest way to avoid scary is not to drink a very cheap liquor (especially Arak). Alcohol is covered with high tax in Indonesia, that is, if you pay about 10,000 rupees (about $ 1) for a double gin tonic, it is very likely that only a glass of a friend in your drink is very likely. It is better then to drink beer or cocktails of more expensive.

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If you drink in a large company, watch your drink. Not in the sense that it can be dragged, but in the fact that there can be something to flew - and hello, so far, especially if it came to the bar one or one. This, of course, is rare, but still.


She really exists here. In order not to learn a bunch of money, try to just follow the laws. Do not abuse your tourist visa without an extremely valid reason. If you are moving on a motorcycle, wear a helmet. And let you have a license and rights. In short, everything, like at home (I hope, do you behave well at home? :) Polismen on Bali, however, polite and preventive, although it would be possible to wish them to follow the roads better. And naturally, you should not fight the police.


In Indonesia, very strict laws relating to drugs. Although all this is somehow strange, considering that they will be offered to you here very often. For example, on the beach of Kuta to you easily can rotate a young man and offer something like that. But remember that the penalties for the storage of drugs are very serious. Nevertheless, you will notice the shops "Magic Mushroom" ("Magic Mushroom") in the south of Bali. What is sold there is sometimes called "acid for the poor" - mushrooms can be sold here. But the consequences of using these can be extremely and unpleasant strong and terrible.

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Useful information about the holidays on Bali. Tips for experienced tourists. 52326_5

Do we need it?


Each monsoon season on Bali occurs a surge of fever dengue. It is not very recommended to pick up :) mosquitoes that transmit this infection - with white stripes on the legs (if you look close).

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Make sure that the mesh is hanging over your bed, and use repellents. If the damned mosquito bites you, and you felt something wrong, please inform your doctor, from where you flew from. Otherwise, the doctor may just think that you have influenza (by the way, do not listen if the doctor began with square eyes to assure you that you have malaria - there are no malaria on Bali! However, it is away, in the east of Indonesia).

Mad dogs

While the problem of rabies to Bali is not so island, as it was a few years ago, mad dogs are still running around the island from time to time.

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By the way, more than 100 Indonesians died on the outbreak of rabies to Bali from 2008 to 2010. Many of them simply did not appeal to medical care on time, but as soon as the symptoms begin manifest, it means 100% fatal outcome. But there are good news: after several unsuccessful attempts, the dog vaccination program on the island is gaining turnover. What there are wishes in this regard? In general, the risk of infection is rather low - along the streets of Bali do not run stray rummy animals. But but the dogs, it happens, run on the beaches, and the children are very much like children. Dogs that were vaccinated, wear a red collar or a ribbon on the neck, well, or a red mark, but many locals run on the beach with their own (unsuccessful) dogs - how to distinguish them at all? In short, just do not approach the dog, if we do not know for sure that it is vaccinated (or we do not see its owner).

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