What is worth viewing in Udaipur? The most interesting places.


About UdaPur often say: "Eastern Venice", or the "city of lakes". He was founded by Maharaj wowa Singh. In UdaPur, the excellent marble palaces of Maharaj, Priorities, Temple Buildings and the National Indian Houses - Havleisa, and for them, in the historic district, are noisy, the local residents are proud of the artistic heritage of Udaipur, as well as The fame of the city of skill. In the light of the sunset sun, visitors look at the divine beauty of local natural beauty and amazing Rajput wealth. The main architectural complex in Udaipur is the city palace, he goes to the Picola Lake, where the romantic islands and palaces, in which the family of the Great Maharaja still lives to this day.

Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the city means actually the "city of the rising sun". It also conjugates with the name of the success of Singha second who lived in the sixteenth century, which, in turn, is also related to the sun. That kind of rulers, to which this Maharaj related - Sodiya believed, believed and believed that he was gone by heavenly shining. This dynasty is one of the oldest ruling families on the planet. Related attitude towards her had the rulers of the country Nepal and Maharaja in the principality of Jammui Kashmir, which existed in the nineteenth-twenty centuries (in our time it is Indian state). Today's city Raja Maharana Mahedra Singh Mevar is also a leather from this native family. Udaipur thanks to white of the walls of buildings located in it, also called the "White City". They are elevated by the local old customs.

Attractions of Udaipur city

City Palace

On the coast in the eastern part on the Picola Lake, there is a city palace of Udaipura, in which Rajpur and Mogoli traditions of architectural style and internal interior mixed up. The strict castle facade, decorated with a large number of turrets, balconies and domes, was defined by someone as a "big cake crowned with a fabulous azure." The largest palace in the state, which is located in two hectares, is an ensemble that includes several palace buildings built by twenty-two maharajs. Nowadays, there are luxury hotels on this territory, museums are located in the main buildings.

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The most ancient plot of the city palace complex dated 1568. In his strong walls, the premises of the monks, halls for reception and inner courtyards are covered. The wonderful museum located here is located in several buildings, the entrance to this institution is carried out through the majestic gates of Tripolia. Above the entrance is an image of a mevar symbol - the sun, surrounded by Rajputrial warriors. Then you find yourself in the courtyard, the elephants and horses are depicted here on the frescoes, and there is also a marble relief of God Ganesh and an impressive mirror mosaic.

One of the most beautiful palaces in the ensemble is Candra Mahal, or "Moon Palace" - In it, you can see skillful threads and excellent sculptures depicting local residents. Baria-Mahal - Wonderful building, located on a terraced mountainside. Spacious premises with rows of carved niches lead us to a beautiful yard and a marble pool. IN Didukchal Mahalev There are rooms where the sixteen-year-old Princess Krishna Kumari lived, killed by the orders of his father. Local notableness is a glass turret having a red and silver mosaic. Building in the shape of a crescent with a luxurious interior - Palace Shivnyivas. - Previously served as a guest house, and at our time - a gorgeous hotel. Here is an excellent Royal Hall and Gallery of Crystal. In Palace Shambunivs Live descendants of Maharani.

Palace Jagmandir having an excellent park and marble rooms with a mosaic decoration, built in the 1620 g. Here, on the island, I once lived at the Mogolsky ruler Shah Jahan. The entrance to the palace guard eight stone elephants.

Jagnivas, or "Lozhny Palace" You should be familiar in the event that you are a fan of bondian ... Remember the floating palace in the painting "Octopus"? This building is actually more than two hundred and sixty years, it was built in 1746 on the island - on Lake Picola. Thanks to the material from which it was built - cold white mramor, as well as a mosaic, this structure belongs to the instantly recognizable remarkableness of the State Rajasthan.

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When Sipaev's uprising occurred in 1857, the local lord of Sovroup Singh hid in the Palace of Europeans, who threatened the disappearance from the rebels. To do this, he destroyed all boats in the city - to stop any attempts to get to the island. Over time, the Palace Building was destroyed under the influence of weather factors, in the second half of the nineteenth century the castle was on the verge of decline. They produced its full repair, the palace turned into a luxury hotel, thanks to which we have the opportunity now to admire them. He was recognized as the most romantic palace building in the state, today Jagnivas is one of the most famous and most expensive hotels in India. It can often be seen in the list of the best and most beautiful institutions of this kind on the planet.

In the temple Jagdish Mandir , built in the seventeenth century, north of the main entrance to the city palace, there is a huge figure of God Vishnu, made of black stone. In front of the temple building, the excellent bronze figure is minted - the Garuda is a fabulous bird on which this Indian deity moves.

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Haveli bugs It is an excellent museum institution - here you can familiarize yourself with the national crafts and art of Udaipura, see musical instruments and miniature painting. Every evening at 19:00 there are traditional performances.

On ancient City Bashers Bapa and Bar You can buy dolls, toys, fabrics, jewels and works of artistic art of Pitch.

Building Safelionki Bari, or "Honest Dev" erected in the eighteenth century in the northern part of the city, has fountains, a pink garden and a lotus pool. She was created for a Udaipur government.

In ethnographic Village Shilpgram Located at a distance of eight kilometers from the city, people of craft professions live, there are traditional performances.

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