Where to go to Ningbo and what to see?


Ningbo's city, which is located in the northeast of China undeservedly in my opinion deprived of tourists. The main flow of tourists goes through the city transit along the way to the sacred place of enlightenment island of Putoshan (ENTO), while stopping in the city only one day, not counting it attractive, which is deeply delusion. The city has a huge history, as well as an interesting colorful combination of Buddhist and Christian temples. By the way, in Ningbo, as anywhere in China, the Christian traditions brought here in the 16-17th centuries by Portuguese.

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For reference: in the city now there are 298 Christian cathedrals and 565 Buddhist temples, what is it? And this is a city with a population of 5.5 million people that according to Chinese standards is considered to be a "deaf" province.

Naturally, all the buildings of the cult is described there is no point, because it is not necessary for anyone, but on some attractions it makes sense to stop, if not only related to religion.

- Temple of Boy. One of the oldest wooden Buddhist temples in the world, which last year celebrated its millennium.

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Located a temple in 15 kilometers from the city on the hillside, but it's not difficult to get to it. Enough Taxist to tell the name of the temple.

- Monastery Tiantunsy The leading history from the 3rd century of our era, which served and reached the enlightenment of a huge number of revered Buddhist monks, among whom were Master Zhu-Jing and his student Dahan who later became the founder of Soto-SK school in Japan.

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The monastery is one of the most significant religious buildings for all followers of Zen-Buddhism. The monastery is just huge! It consists of almost a thousand halls, and its collection includes a huge number of valuable works of art and monuments of China. Yes, of course the monastery was not entirely preserved in pristine form, it was updated, completed, reconstructed, but it did not strongly changed his appearance. And his greatness complements the delightful natural landscape.

- Tiani Library (Tiani Pavilion). Perhaps one of the most ancient private libraries currently existing in the world. Of course, many will retempose on this, well, to look at the library, especially since foliants and manuscripts in it are not in Russian. However, it is worth seeing, because at present it is not just a library, but a whole museum complex with more than 300 thousand exhibits. Here and the exhibition of calligraphy, the bone museum for Mahjong, and exposure with Chinese traditional painting.

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- Cathedral Ningbo. Or as it is more correct to call the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary of Seven Sorrow. Located in the very center of the city and is the main temple of the Catholic diocese in China. By the way, the place of the chief bishop of the Chinese diocese, due to some internal reasons, is "Sede Vacante", that is, free.

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Very informative and interesting to walk along the embankments of Dunzianh Lake, surrounded by an excellent bamboo park, with rental of boats and amusement park. Moreover, here you can often stumble upon a wedding, and the Chinese wedding, it is a very interesting and colorful sight.

If we consider everything written above, you can say with confidence that if you want to know about the enthusiastic more, it is worth paying for a couple of days to the signs of Ningbo.

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