Where to stay in Calcutta? Tips for tourists.


The most approximate image of the Calcutta can be divided into three main areas - that is, north, at the center and south. The North is the oldest part of the city and here, of course, you can see the wonderful samples of the colonial architecture of the nineteenth century. The most interesting, perhaps, in the northern part of the city is the area of ​​Kumar Toli. It is there that the most famous workshops for the whole country are located, where the Statues of Durga are produced. Well, the rest of the north is residential areas intended for the middle class.

Here, most families have their own cars, so it's probably not too convenient to get here on public transport, the metro has not yet built here, and by local standards on the bus or taxi to get here, and it will have to spend a lot of time, because In principle, all major urban attractions are concentrated just in the city center. However, if you look at the card, you can see that in the northern part of Calcutta there is a large number of hotels, and this is primarily due to the fact that this area is closest to the airport. And one more factor is the presence of a large number of parks intended for pleasant walks.

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The city center of course is the richest in the sights. If you arrived in Calcutta literally for several days, then it is best to spend them here. After all, the largest business centers are not only concentrated in the central part of the city, but the Calcutta's business card is also located here, which is Victoria Memorial. Immediately for you, it seems to be cooked huge open spaces for walking on foot, as well as on horseback and as an option on carriages. Here you will find in large quantities expensive and inexpensive accommodation. So do not save on accommodation, then not to suffer with long crossings, and settle right in the center.

The southern part of Calcutta is the newest area, there are neither historical memorials, no colonial architecture of the XIX century. But it is here that modern art galleries are located, there are many parks and lakes, and huge shopping centers are located here. It should be noted that many of the figures of Indian art, who created at the end of the XX - early XXI centuries, preferred to settle in this very modern district of the city, and now their homes and apartments are also the sights of the South District. In principle, the southern part of the city is located in close proximity to the center, from here you can get to the subway, and on the train, before and for a taxi you do not have to pay too expensive. If we talk about housing as a whole, then it is much more than more than in the north or in the same center.

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It is also worth noting that in the southern part of the city there is such an amazing place as the Mission of Ramakrishna, in the territory of which there is a comfortable, very pleasant and completely safe Guesthouse, which provides tourists with different sizes and with various kinds of amenities. Prices for accommodation are available from one and a half to three thousand Indian rupees. But the places in this guesthouse should be booked in advance, that is, to write off the mission at the email address you will find on their website.

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