Is it profitable to pay a bank card in Thailand?


Is it profitable to pay in Thailand by a bank card? Oh, yes, guys, this is the most reasonable course, perhaps. We were allowed in the "annoyance" Sberbank Visa, practically checked and counted the cross-course for which calculations are carried out, and were pleasantly surprised: 0.892 Course on the map against 0.9 exchange rate (the best thing we found at the present moment). The official banking rate is now 0.93 rubles per BAT. So, URA-Hooray, we began to actively use the card, which allowed us to significantly save cash, which now went into the course only in those places where the card looks absurd. Agree, it is very convenient to pay attention not only in the store, but also for the international bus Greenbus card, without thinking about whether you have enough Cash at the time of payment.

Is it profitable to pay a bank card in Thailand? 5213_1

Everything went well and smooth until yesterday, when the situation suddenly happened from a number. We took bus tickets to Bangkok to Sombat Tour (a rather large company, specializing in traffic on long distances), when we refused to accept payment by the card and asked for cash. It was a setup and, gritting her teeth and trying to "not lose face" with all the forces (an extremely unpleasant thing not only in Thailand, but in all Asia), I quietly, but thoroughly learned: "Why?! What Kind of Problem? " A poor girl in the Ticket Office of the same company, realizing that I would make incredible efforts to suppress anger and save a smile and serenity on my face, began to get acquitted quickly. It turns out that Sombat Tour, as well as in all (!) Other companies providing transportation in Bangkok (I also found out this later) it is forbidden to accept any international maps to pay. Cashless payments for tickets and services are possible only in the presence of a Thai bank card, which means the elementary overlap of oxygen for any Faranga, for, according to the rules of Taya, foreigners do not have the right to discover accounts and have deposits in Thai banks. Such a puncture happened to us for the first time in all the time staying in South, and it was extremely unexpected and unpleasant. No longer the Solishing Visa did not give us a failure, even in a border with Myanmar Maessa, we paid it, which looked like something from the field of fiction. And yet I advise you to use the card for calculations everywhere, where it is possible, it is very reasonable and visible savings. Just be prepared for the station when moving to Bangkok, if you are planned. For lovers to make money from the card ladies information to reflection: you thought about the fact that when I misstituate, you lose a serious amount, which consists of commissions of two banks for the fact of cashing (our domestic and Thai) plus a double conversion loss (ruble-dollar, dollar-bah)?

Is it profitable to pay a bank card in Thailand? 5213_2

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