What currency is better to take with myself to Izmir?


Izmir is a major industrial and port city of Turkey, which despite the fact that it is located on the coast of the Aegean Sea, is not suitable for a beach holiday. It is apparently connected with not enough sea water. The bulk of tourists or guests of the city comes here not to rest, but for the purpose of shopping or the purchase of leather products, since almost all the factory in Turkey for the manufacture of these products is located in Izmir. And since the main purpose of visiting the city is precisely shopping, although there are sights that you can and should even see if you were in Izmir, it may naturally be the question of what better currency come here.

Naturally, being in Turkey, it is best to have a national currency with you, that is, the Turkish Lair.

What currency is better to take with myself to Izmir? 5209_1

But this does not mean that if you have another currency, you may have problems in its use. Branches of banks and private exchange offices in Izmir, which by the way there are quite a lot, the US dollars, euro, English pounds and even rubles will exchange without problems. And in larger branches, the choice of currency for sharing is much more diverse. It is best to have US dollars, since in some cases prices are focused on the dollar and, if necessary, you can pay without changing the Turkish lira. Also, it is also not necessary to change the currency on the lira, it will be time to do at any time, because even in large markets and shopping centers of the city there are foreign exchange boxes.

What currency is better to take with myself to Izmir? 5209_2

The currency exchange schedule depends on who it belongs. If this is a branch of the bank, they usually open at 9.00-9.30 and work until 16.00, with a break without lunch. On weekends, such branches are usually closed, can only work on Saturday to lunch. As for private exchange points, they work longer, and without a break for lunch, and sometimes without days off. Courses at the box office may be slightly different, so if you have a need to exchange a rather large amount, then first familiarize yourself with the courses at different points, in order to identify the most favorable course.

In the presence of a bank card, the visa, mastercard, american span and others, you can make non-cash calculations in almost all stores, restaurants and other places where financial calculations are made.

What currency is better to take with myself to Izmir? 5209_3

Exception can only be bazers and small street kiosks. You can also withdraw cash from a card account using ATMs located on the streets of Izmir and almost every bank branch. By the way, Turkey has ATMs of Sberbank of Russia, so this is an additional plus for owners of the cards of this bank. Removing money from the account Pay attention to the fact that some ATMs are used to issue only the national currency, and there are those who give out dollars and the euro, so you can choose the cash suitable for you at the request.

What currency is better to take with myself to Izmir? 5209_4

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