What should I see in Delhi? The most interesting places.


Delhi has a large number of attractions - we will talk about some of them now.

Lotus Temple

This building is the main temple of the young belief of Bahai. Hold it in 1978-1986.

The temple was built out of white marble. The building in the form represents from the blossomed lotus flower having 27 petals. The size of the central room designed for 1,300 people is: diameter - 75 meters, and height -31.

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The author of the project of the Lotus Temple was the Canadian architect Faribration Sakhba. He was inspired by the architecture of the Opera House, located in Sydney, which was erected according to the style of structural expressionism.

Mosque Jama Masdzhid

The structure of the Delian Cathedral Mosque is the largest among buildings of this purpose throughout the country. In her courtyard can be placed up to twenty five thousand parishioners.

Construction began during the reign of Shah Jakhan (who built the Taj Mahal), completed - in 1656. In the Jama Masdzhid mosque, they keep a unique copy of the Quran written on a deer skull. Visiting this attraction, do not forget that it is a valid mosque - so while the parishioners are praying, the inners inside are not allowed.

Payment for the entry is not charged, and 200 rupees will be necessary for the photo. Climb the minaret worth 100.

Kutab Minar

Kutab Minar is the popular attraction of the Indian capital, the highest brick minaret, which was built at several generations of Muslim Lord. The estimated years of work on the construction of the structure - 1191-1368.

The construction corresponds to several different styles, it is a unique monument of the Indo-Islamic architecture of the period of the Middle Ages. At the height, the minaret reaches 72.6 meters, the base diameter is 14.74, and at the top of the construction - 3.05 meters.

Minaret Kutab Minar is listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Kutab Minar is the center of the complex of vintage monuments belonging to different epochs. Here, besides other buildings, you can see the original seventeter iron column, which weighing six tons, which was built with the first Kumaraguput of the first (Gupta dynasty). He was with power in Northern India in 320-540. For sixteen centuries, the column practically did not suffer from corrosion, and for what reason is not exactly clear to this day. In addition to the iron column, here you can also see the following curious buildings: Minaret Ala-I-Minar, the construction of which was not completed (in a height of 24.5 meters), the mosque of the Kuvat-Ul-Islam (1190), the Gate Ala-and -Darvaza, the tomb of Imam Zamin (Sufi Holy Fifteenth century).

Red Fort

The Red Fort is a protective building, which was erected at the rule of the emperor Shah Jakhan (the epoch of the Great Mughal Empire), in 1639-1648. The material for the construction of the fort was a red stone, there could be at the same time three thousand people. The form of the construction in the plan was the wrong octagon - from the Red Fort of this dynasty and went tradition to build the buildings of such a characteristic style. The building material was a brick, lined with red marble and ceramics. The fortress wall has a length around the perimeter of 2.5 km, and height is from 16 to 33 meters.

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Red Fort played an important role in the significant events for India - in 1783 he was busy with Sikhami, and in 1857 sipes. Every year, during the celebration of the Day of Independence, it is from the walls of the Red Fort the Prime Minister of the state with the appeal to the people.

The entrance to the fort is carried out through the Lahore Gate Gate located on the eastern side. After sunset, the time of the restraint presentation occurs.

Tomb Humayuna

The tomb of Humayun (1565 - 1570) is the masterpiece of the Mogolsky architecture, here the body of Emperor Humayun is resting in Mausoleum. Built the construction according to the order of the widow of this ruler - Hamida Banu Behead. Work management carried out architects Said Muhammad and his father - Mirah Ghayatkhudin. The latter, in all likelihood, when the construction of this Mausoleum was inspired by the buildings of the Timurida period in Samarkand.

Humayun's tomb included UNESCO World Heritage List.

Jantar Mantar Observatory

Jantar Mantar presents the ancient observatory. There are five similar buildings in the country - they were built with Maharaja Savai Gai Singhe II, in 1724. The task of this facility is assistance in checking the correctness of the calendar, the implementation of astronomical calculations, the calculation of the movement of the celestial luminaries. In the observatory there are thirteen architectural devices for astronomical purposes.

Temple Lakshmi-Narayan

Another name of the temple is Birla Mandir. This Hindu buildings dedicated to the goddess of Lakshmi prosperity and one of the forms of manifestation of Vishnu - Narayan, built in 1933-1939. Financing the construction of a rich Birla family - these were industrialists and philanthropists. Building decoration - white-pink marble style of the Nagar - the fruit of labor more than a hundred carvers on the stone. Masters in these original reliefs depicted events from Hindu legends. The height of the highest multicolored dome in the temple is forty-eight meters. Interior decoration - Pinsy frescoes and marble figures. A beautiful garden is broken around the temple, which has an area of ​​more than three hectares, in which there is a fountain and cascade waterfall.

The temple was opened by Mahatma Gandhi himself, who first presented the demand for free access to representatives of all beliefs and any caste.

Temple complex Aquardham

Achshardham is the largest Hindu temple on the planet, occupying an area of ​​approximately 0.42 square meters. km. He was listed in the Guinness Records Book. The complex has a temple building, which has a skillful threaded decoration of the outer part, as well as high-tech exposures, a cinema, a musical fountain, gardens and restaurants.

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The temple complex was erected for five years - from 2000 to 2005. The works involved seven thousand craftsmen from all over the state. In the height of the temple building has forty-two meters, in width - ninety-four, and in length - one hundred six. In the temple, nine domes, two hundred thirty-four columns and approximately 20 thousand figures.

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