What is worth viewing in Haifa? The most interesting places.


Haifa - the third largest city of Israel and the second largest seaport. About 270 thousand people live here. By the way, the number of inhabitants increased in comparison with the middle of the last century three times! The city with a long history was founded in the Roman era. And since 1880, Haifa- main nautical gates of Palestine. The city is beautiful and here really have something to see.

AKKO walls (City Walls of ACRE)

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Today it is only fragments of the urban defensive system of 18-19 centuries, which consists of walls and towers, raised different times. During the reign of Pasha Al-Jazzar, the active construction of a new part of the wall began, which was preserved to today. The place is very romantic, especially in the evening. This is a great place for walking. There are walls not far from the Jeszar Pasha mosque.

Khan Al-Umdan (Khan El-Umdan)

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This is the largest and most beautifully preserved inn in the historic part of the city. The building was built in the 18th century as a place of residence of overseas merchants. This is a two-story square building with high arches and a well in the middle of the courtyard, everything is in traditional oriental style. In the 20th century, the tower with the clock was attached to the construction and no longer changed. A storage courtyard is called "Amud", which means "pillar" - about 40 columns from granite is on its territory. Today, urban events and festivals are held.

Khan A-Shuarda (Khan E-Shuarda)

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This is an old innovation courtyard located on the site of the monastery - Clarissine. The two-story building was erected in the middle of the 18th century. Impressive a small well in the middle of the yard in a traditional oriental style and an old tower. In the 19th century, the construction began to be used as warehouses and bakeries, and then as a workshop on repairing boats. Today on this territory you can sit in a cozy cafe. The place can be found next to the Jeszar Pasha mosque.

Ancient City Gamla (ANCIENT CITY GAMLA)

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This town is located within a half hours drive from Haifa. There is a city on the elevation of volcanic origin and is an ancient fortress, surrounded by the river, which flows into the lake Kineet.

Temple Bahaev (Baha'i Temple)

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This is perhaps one of the most beautiful buildings of the city. This is a forty-meter luxury building with a golden dome. The building has the shape of a nine-bridle. The remains of the religious mentor of Baha'u'llah are kept in the temple, which became the priest of the Bahaev religious movement. The construction is extremely beautiful, with magnificent gardens and lawns nearby. Since 2008, UNESCO called the gardens of the temple 8 miraculously of the world. Beauty, of course, indescribable. And from the upper cascades of gardens on Mount Karmel offers a luxurious view of the city and the Haifa Bay.

Church of multiplication of breads and fish (The Church of the First Feeding of the MultiTude)

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The church is an hour away from Haifa to the East, on the shore of the Tiber Lake. The church was built on the ruins of two old churches in the 20th century. Undoubtedly, attracts fountain with floating fish. The interior itself is quite modest, but the mosaic is unique, because these are samples of Christian art V century.

Tunisian synagogue "OR Ha Torah" (Tunisian SynaGogue)

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This is the most beautiful synagogue in the country and the pearl of the ancient city of AKCO, which is 25 km from Haifa. The title of the building is translated as "Light Torah". The synagogue is a two-story modern building with stunning mosaics, panels and stained glass stages, talking about the history of the country since ancient times and by our time. The internal decoration of the synagogue is also impressive and more like some art gallery. The facade of the building, walls and ceiling, as well as parquets are decorated with bizarre paintings and patterns, well, under the dome you can see 12 zodiacal constellations - and this is a rather rare phenomenon for the synagogue. Interestingly, the building was built on the means of the Tunisian diaspora and the local population. There is a building at ELIEZER KAPLAN 9-13.

Monastery Stella Maris (Stella Maris Carmelite Monastery)

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The name of the monastery is translated as a "starfish". This is a monastery of carmelites, which arrived at this territory at the beginning of the 13th century during the crusades. By the way, the name of their order happened just on behalf of Mount Karmel, where they settled. Then they built a small abode. Well, later, the participants of the Order had to return to Europe. And only a couple of centuries later, the carmelites bought the land at the top of this mountain and in the 19th century they built a monastery that we can see today. He became the main monastery of the Carmelitsky Order. The monastery is open for visiting. Inside the building you can see huge 500 kilographed plates, which are talking about the life of carmelite monks. In the altar part there is a cave, where Ilya-prophet lived, the patron saint of the Order. Also on the territory of the monastery there are residential premises, a library and a museum with finds, which were found on the site of the Byzantine monastery, where in the times of the Crusader there was a fortress of the Templars. Monastery interesting. Well, the types of Haifa from the mountain, on which the monastery is standing, is simply impressive! You can go down the cable car. The monastery is located on the street of the village of Stela Maris.

Museum of Reument and Edith Gekht in Haifa (Museum Of Reuben and Edith Hecht)

The Archaeological Museum on the territory of the Haifa University was opened in 1984 and was named after the famous Professor Reugen Gekht and his wife. In the museum you can see curious exhibits from the Cretaceous period and to the present day. For example, Sandals of 2000 years ago, ancient dishes and weapons, even the Greek ship of the V century BC. In another hall there is an exhibition of works of European impressionists, including Monet and Van Gogh, as well as artists of Israel 19 and 20th centuries.

Tomas Lemey Gallery (The Thomas Lemay Art Gallery)

This Museum of Contemporary Art and the Art Center, which was opened by the famous sculptor Thomas Lemem, and, in fact, in honor of him and named. The sculptor specialized in products from Barrelflife, sculptures and furniture in avant-garde style. His work can be seen in this museum, as well as the works of young artists. By the way, the Art Center is located in the former building of the dairy farm.

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