How to just update Thai visa?


If you are stuck in Thailand for a long time in Thailand, then in a month you will have to update the visa that you can do through Myanmar, together, by the way, pleasantly cognitive with useful. This border crossing from time to time is covered, which is quite logical. I confirm (photography) at the moment: active.

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And more, it costs $ 10, as it should be, Myanmar's refreshes do not extort 500 baht, as it was quite recently and strongly annoyed travelers. The purpose of the border crossing (you will be asked) - shopping. Visa-wounds in Myanmar, the intelligence and justified if you are in the north of Taya. For example, in Chiang May, as we are now. This scheme is: from Chiang May to Chiang Paradise on Greenbus (140-185 baht, as lucky) about 3 hours, from there on Localbus to Mae Sai for 39 baht 1.5-2 hours 61 km. Mesa's bus station is about 5 km to the border. You can at Songteo, but we walked on foot, which took us less than an hour, and therefore the price of Sugtheo is not known to us. That's all. After visa formalities, which takes no more than 10 minutes in total, we found themselves in the primitive Myanmar Keeping Takilek, which is not remarkable absolutely nothing but the local market. Takilek himself is dirty and unpleasant, rather wretched and does not stimulate to take a walk on him longer. We walked, it was, on it, but in a few minutes I wanted back. Very here at the presence of Berevi and adultery traders and Viagra. What to say about the market? Nothing outstanding: prices and a choice in Thai Mesai much more attractive. Impact sweets on the Makashniki were painfully reminded by India: everything is preparing from pea flour. I went to the coffee shop - it was better to do it on the side of Taya ... In Myanmar, you can buy except that only fried chestnuts (they are not found in Tae) Yes, cigarettes at a time price. Everything else is better at the Thai side in Mesai, do not even doubt. We decided to stay in Mesai in advance to visit the Temple of Black Scorpion a few meters from the border. Difficult hotels from $ 15 per night two steps from the Friendship Bridge - PRAD PRAD. If you stand back to Myanmar, then the temple of the scorpion will be right. Wat Phra That Doi Wao is located on the hill, felt cool enough, but what you will see there is worth it! Gilded stupa with four figures of black scorpies in the corners, and to the right of the stupa - the bell tower, near which he (!), Giant black scorpion, which, in fact, worship here. His claws are aimed toward the unfair neighbors, with which conflicts arose and constantly arise. From here, by the way, a delightful view of Myanmar and nearby mountains with a huge Buddha on the mountainside, in the jungle. We were lucky, we witnessed the evening service of the monks. After the temple, it will be quite appropriate to wander through the Mesai Bazar, at least just out of curiosity. Here and the goods, and the Makashnitsy are represented by Thais, Myanches and (in large quantities) Muslims, which surprised and pleased. Muslims you will see an image of a crescent with a star on the trolley.

In the morning, we went to the blue Songtheo (50 baht) to the village of Sop Ruak, to the golden triangle - the place of connection of three countries (Tai, Myanmar and Laos), not so long ago, not well-known huge plantations of opium poppy. Of course, now the plantations are no longer there, at least they are not on the part of Thailand and Laos, but at Myanmar, they say, the drug addicts in this region still flourishes and dictates its rights. In this place, Rupuc and Mekong rivers are connected - pay attention, water is not mixed due to different density, which looks very curious.

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In the middle between the three states there is an island that is visible only on the outcome of the dry season. The island does not belong to any of the three states, it was on him that the proof of the centuries were the transactions of opium drug trains. In general, the golden triangle is famous for tourists, because in addition to the one described by me there is nothing. Well, except for a laughing Buddha / Happy Buddha on a ship and a couple of elephant with gilded tridents. All this is located on the Playground 50x20m, it will take a few minutes for inspection, and therefore do not use special hopes and try to read a little about what I told you about. It is not entirely ethical to do tourist entertainment on the site of heroin Mecca, as it seems to me. Nearby on the opposite side stretched the market with all souvenirs and T-shirts, the range of everyone is the same. But, I immediately warn you, far here is expensive. Yes, that's more. The temple is nearby, across the road, opposite the minimarket 7/11. Wat Prathat Pukhao was sheltered on a hill over a golden triangle, and views from here much more impressive. The temple itself leads 108 steps along the five-chapted Naga (the wrong NG, due to the deposit of the town, apparently). Upstairs a large stone buddha, and the ruins of ancient pagoda of 1302 years. Well, and the observation deck, which I mentioned. Another omnipresent Thai market with mad prices was immediately rushed, next to the observation platform.

From the golden triangle, it's pretty easy to get to the nearest town of Chiang Sen (10 km) - Little and Roggy, the god forgotten, there is not even a bus station here, and Basi on the side of the road, but from here there are locals on Chiang Paradise (45 baht 70 km) and Greenbus Van At the same price, which goes 2 times faster than Local. To get away from the Golden Triangle, go to the bus parking (near the elephants there are signs to all the right places), where you find Greenbasovsky White Wen with a green longitudinal stripe. By the way, the schedule of their movement will be immediately on the ground.

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The fare of 20 baht, time on the way is 10-15 minutes. Well, and from the old bus station Chiang Paradise you will freely reach any item you need, Green Bus there is also there.

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