What is worth viewing in Macau?


Macau today

Macau, or Aomyn, is located in Guangdong Province, in the South China Sea, in the Delta district of the pearl river, at a distance of sixty kilometers to the south-west of Hong Kong. Almost four and a half century Makao was the colony of Portugal - it was very influenced as the city looks now. A great influence of the status of the colony also on the local culture and lifestyle of citizens. On December 20, 1999, the city fell under the management of China - in honor of this event near the park with entertainment "Fisherman's Wharf" installed the Blooming Lotus Monument.

Today, Macau is a major megapolis with breathtaking high buildings, luxury hotels, luxurious restaurants and glamorous shops that offer branded products at prices lower than in Hong Kong. In addition, a large number of casinos are located in Macau - because of this it is also called "East Las Vegas".

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The main entertainment for tourists in Macau is considered to be a kartrome - it is located on the island of Koloan, as well as the city television tower - with her tourists can jump from Bungee (the height of the jump is 233 meters) or stroll along its outer edge without a railing.


The ruins of the Cathedral of St. Paul

The facade of the Cathedral of St. Paul, preserved to this day, is a symbol of the city altar. Among other Macau's dicks, these ruins are the most famous. The building was built in the 1580th, since then the Cathedral of St. Paul happened to survive two fires - in 1595 and 1601 years. Despite the fact that restoring the construction began in the 1600th, the fire destroyed everything that was done. After the end of all works in the 1637th, this cathedral became the largest Catholic Cathedral in East Asia. Unfortunately, here after happened another fire - in 1835 - during the period of severe heat. Then he brought the maximum destruction. Judging by the data from historical documents, the cathedral was erected from the White Stone, there were three halls with a beautiful finish.

The facade of the cathedral is made of granite and luxuriously decorated according to the Baroque style in combination with the subtleties of oriental art. There are five tiers in the construction, the first of them includes ten iron columns and three inputs. The middle tier has an engraved inscription "MATER DEI", which means "Mother of God". Each of the inputs has decorations in the form of bas-reliefs. The second tier is the images of Christ the Savior and the Acts of the Apostles. The remaining three tiers are most beautiful thanks to their luxurious decoration. In the center of the third is the figure of Madonna, and on the fourth - Jesus. On the walls you can see bas-relief images from different biblical stories, on which the devil, angels and other symbolic religious objects are present. Three upper tiers in the complex form the main image of Christianity is the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Spirit) and the Major Virgin Mary.

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On the stones that are located on the sides of the third and from the fourth tiers, there is an ornament typical of China. On it we can consider chrysanthemums, cherries and phrases in Chinese. What remains today from the ancient church facade is a striking and unique mixture of the art of the West and the East, the architectural styles of these two are perfectly combined here in the root of different civilizations.

The basement is the Museum of Sacred Art, and in the mountain fortress, which Jesuits built, is now the Macau Museum, which contains exhibits that allow you to get acquainted with the life of the city over the past four centuries.

Senado Square

The Senado Square, which the Portuguese was built is decorated with a stone mosaic depicting the wave, and is the main square in the city. It has a lot of small restaurants, cafes and shops. On the various sides are the Bureau of Civil and Municipal Affairs, which was previously called the Royal Senate, the Holy House of Mercy - the construction of the sixteenth century and the most ancient Western establishment of this kind in the state. At the far end of Senado Square, you can see the church of St. Dominic - a wonderful example of the Baroque architectural style, which created monks - Dominicans in the seventeenth century.

Temple A - Ma

The Temple of A - MA is the most beautiful temple in the city, from him and his name went. His goddess A - Ma in Taoism and Goddess Kun Lam - in Buddhism. Curious tourists will also be a site of an ancient urban wall.

Taipo and Koloan Islands

Pretty curious sights are also located on the islages - Taipo and Koloan. Taipa is located only two kilometers from the city and connects with it with two bridges. The main local wonder is the carmel church, which was erected in 1885. Near it is a homemade museum. Here you can see exhibits telling about the interior and the archlic art of the European and Chinese periods. In addition, tourists will be interested in visiting the traditional Chinese temple Pak - Tai.

The most popular attraction on Koloan is the figure of Goddess A - Ma, which is located on the hill. She has one hundred and twenty meters in height. Also here you can see the chapel of Francis - Javier - Chapel, which was erected in 1928. Here are the relics of St. Francis Javier. More on Koloan is the Temple of Kaho-Church-O-Lady-Sorrou, this is one of the most original temples in the city. His building presents a prism with a huge bronze crucifixion located on the facade.

Museum of Luis Kamense

The Portuguese poet Louis Kamensex is very respectful to Macau, he lived here for several years during the reference. His name was called one of the city parks. In it, the grotto, Bust Luis Kamoens and a commemorative board, on which you can see his poem. In addition, the Foundashao-Oriente Villa founded the Kamensex Museum.

Fortress Fortaleza do Monte

Fortress Fortaleza do Monte is one of the most important historical monuments. She was erected in the middle of the seventeenth century to protect the city. Nowadays, she became a museum.

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Hill Macau

The highest hill in the city is Macau Hill. His height is ninety-six meters. Here the oldest lighthouse is located on the whole Chinese coast - it was erected in 1865.

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