When is it better to rest in Carolino-Bugaz?


Summer, or rather the beach season in Carolino-Bugaz, as in principle, at all Black Sea resorts of Ukraine, begins at the end of May and continues until the end of September. Judging by the number of tourists, then the most popular months at this resort are July and August months. And this is understandable, since it is these months that are considered the most hot, when the temperature column does not rarely translate for +30 degrees. Yes, and water in the sea warms up to its maximum, reaching +26. According to this, the majority of holidaymakers prefer to relax with children, especially school age, during this period, without fearing that children can be hyphotomed or get sick from excessive stay in the water. Comparing the average age rate of holidaymakers by months, the youth is considered July and August, which undoubtedly affects silence and tranquility while relaxing, both in hotels and recreation databases and the beach itself.

When is it better to rest in Carolino-Bugaz? 5161_1

Therefore, if you are interested in a quiet and relaxing rest, and as a rule, this is due to the presence of small children or you are old age, when preference is preferred by silence and peace, then this period for relaxing in Carolono-Bugaz, should be excluded from consideration. The big influx of holidaymakers is displayed at prices that are as high as much as possible in these months. This applies to both accommodation in hotels and guesthouses and the private sector. The same applies to food products, and first of all to fruits and vegetables, prices for which are also increasing. For this reason, it is not worth counting on a low-cost vacation in July and August.

When is it better to rest in Carolino-Bugaz? 5161_2

To do this, you need to choose the beginning or end of the season, that is, June or September, when the number of tourists is not so great, there are many free seats for the settlement, and the prices for accommodation are not high. June is quite a suitable month in the plan of rest, the air temperature day is high enough and freely allows you to pick up and even swim in the sea, but the water temperature is not quite comfortable. At the beginning of the month, the sea may not be more than +18 degrees and only by the end of June reaching +22. It does not rarely, it happens that when changing wind or flow, the water temperature of the coast falls sharply and maybe during the day-two enough cold, although such cases are in other months.

When is it better to rest in Carolino-Bugaz? 5161_3

In my opinion, the most comfortable time for rest in Carolino-Bugaz is September month, or rather his first half. In the afternoon, at this time, it is quite hot, the evenings are warm, during which it is pleasant to spend time on the terrace of one of the bars or cafes, especially if it assumes a romantic dinner and even you can quickly swim in the sea illuminated by moonlight. In view of the fact that the evening air temperature is significantly lower than daylight, the feeling that seawater at night is much warmer than the day. The number of tourists in September is significantly reduced, especially at the expense of school-age children who have occurs at this time. This certainly affects calm and silence, as well as on the presence of free places is not a beach. Prices for accommodation omitting can be said very essentially, and on fruits with vegetables that are kept by this time, the price becomes more acceptable. I think for relaxation with young children this month is ideal that in the hotel that the beach is pretty quiet, and it allows the child to sleep peacefully during the daytime. Who has or had little children hopefully understood what I want to say.

When is it better to rest in Carolino-Bugaz? 5161_4

In general, I think it is clear about what time it is better to choose to relax in Carolino-Bugaz, based on the wishes and opportunities of both physical and financial. The season is short enough, only four months, so it is best to plan your trip in advance, it concerns both the acquisition of the tickets and self-journey. As for the month of September, I think that you can easily find the appropriate version right in place, as I have come across this personally and difficulties never arose.

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