What is worth viewing in Bergen?


I heard a few times as travel lovers in Scandinavia compared Bergen with St. Petersburg, and until he visited this city and did not get acquainted with his story, did not understand what this comparison was. And in the end, it came to the conclusion that it is partly true, there is a partly. Yes, both cities are created by the rulers of their countries at that time, but Bergen has a longer history, both have access to the sea, but Bergen is better protected by fjords and stands directly to the sea, both have beautiful architectural monuments, but if in St. Petersburg they are pompous And more were built for the mouths of the eyes and comfort, then in Bergen, they were harsh and had a clear practical purpose in their time. One thing is only true for both cities, they used to be the capitals of the state.

The story of His Bergen leads from the 10th century, who liked the place exactly in the middle of the famous fjords, protected from all sides by the mountains. This protection was not a whim for the time, wars were more common than rarity. And after a few decades after the foundation of the city in it was built Bergens Castle , which is the main attraction of the city.

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A little later in the castle were built Hall of the Hapon (by the way, in some reference books Bergenhaus is referred to as Hakonshallen) and the well-known Rosencranz Tower.

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To get to Bergenhaus is not so difficult, for this you can use the services of a taxi that I would not advise, as it is expensive, or near the old Bergen (at the gate C) to sit on the tram, which will take you to stop Oourland, which is right near the castle. In Hakakshallen, you can walk through the picture gallery, and the Rosencranz Tower is open to receiving visitors.

The next sight of Bergen, this is already mentioned Old Bergen The city center built up with low buildings of which has passed the age of three or four centuries. Almost next to the old quarter is Bergery Cathedral The oldest Lutheran church is built in the 12th century and wearing the name of St. Olaf in the same time. The cathedral is also understood.

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The very first buildings of the city were laid on Hanseatic embankment Bruges , which is both in former times and now the most important and lively part of the city. Alas, but only a part of the port facilities is preserved almost in pristine form, due to numerous fires of what happened here. It is on the embankment that in the world in the world, the Museum of Lepra, the amazing Church of Frankhood, as well as a majority of antique, souvenir and artistic stores Bergen.

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Slightly away from Bruges at the intersection of Koppoging streets and dolphteller lovers of history can find Museum of Marine Fleet With the richest exposition showing the evolution of the Navy from Drakkarov Viking to modern aircraft carriers. The boys from visiting this museum are in the wild delight.

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Tired of the city and want more nature? Then you either in Botanical Garden or on the funicular flaben on Mount Flas From the top of which the stunning panorama of the whole city opens, by the way, there are several restaurants with authentic Norwegian cuisine with great popularity.

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On the botanical garden, it makes sense to stop in more detail, even if it is not so big (only 1.4 hectares). First, he belongs to the University Museum, which is located right on its territory. The collection of the museum includes a huge number of Viking houses, has an extensive collection of arts of Norway, as well as unique ethnographic collections from around the world. Secondly, more than three thousand species of plants are growing at such a small territory! And thirdly, there is just very beautiful. Getting to the botanical garden is not difficult. Between the main city square and the botanical garden constantly run buses with informative inscription "Botanic".

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Here is such a Bergen. A little stern, but at the same time cozy and safe.

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